Articles producció científica> Gestió d'Empreses

Document summarization using a structural metrics based representation

  • Identification data

    Identifier: imarina:6494755
  • Authors:

    Villa-Monte A
    Lanzarini L
    Corvi J
    Bariviera AF
  • Others:

    Author, as appears in the article.: Villa-Monte A; Lanzarini L; Corvi J; Bariviera AF
    Department: Gestió d'Empreses
    URV's Author/s: Fernández Bariviera, Aurelio
    Keywords: Text summarization Sentence scoring Neural networks Feature selection Extractive summaries
    Abstract: © 2020 - IOS Press and the authors. All rights reserved. Currently, each person produces 1.7MB of information every second in different formats. However, the vast majority of information is text. This has increased the interest to study techniques to automate the identification of the relevant portions of text documents in order to offer as a result an automatic summary. This article presents a technique to extract the most representative sentences of a document taking into account by the user's criteria. These criteria are learned using a neural network, from a minimum set of documents whose sentences have been rated by the user in terms of importance. To verify the performance of the proposed methodology, we used 220 scientific articles from the PLOS Medicine journal published between 2004 and 2016. The results obtained have been very satisfactory.
    Thematic Areas: Statistics and probability Interdisciplinar General engineering Ensino Engineering (miscellaneous) Engineering (all) Engenharias iv Engenharias iii Economia Computer science, artificial intelligence Ciências ambientais Ciência da computação Biotecnología Artificial intelligence Administração pública e de empresas, ciências contábeis e turismo
    licence for use:
    ISSN: 10641246
    Author's mail:
    Author identifier: 0000-0003-1014-1010
    Record's date: 2023-02-19
    Papper version: info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersion
    Link to the original source:
    Licence document URL:
    Papper original source: Journal Of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems. 38 (5): 5579-5588
    APA: Villa-Monte A; Lanzarini L; Corvi J; Bariviera AF (2020). Document summarization using a structural metrics based representation.
    Article's DOI: 10.3233/JIFS-179648
    Entity: Universitat Rovira i Virgili
    Journal publication year: 2020
    Publication Type: Proceedings Paper
  • Keywords:

    Artificial Intelligence,Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence,Engineering (Miscellaneous),Statistics and Probability
    Text summarization
    Sentence scoring
    Neural networks
    Feature selection
    Extractive summaries
    Statistics and probability
    General engineering
    Engineering (miscellaneous)
    Engineering (all)
    Engenharias iv
    Engenharias iii
    Computer science, artificial intelligence
    Ciências ambientais
    Ciência da computação
    Artificial intelligence
    Administração pública e de empresas, ciências contábeis e turismo
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