Documents de treball producció científica: Universitat Rovira i Virgili. Departament d'Economia

389 results.
Title Date
A Behavioral Theory of Allocation in the Dictator Game2018
A Carrot and Stick Approach to Agenda-Setting2013
Accounting for Big City Growth in Low Paid Occupations: Immigration and/or Service Class Consumption2012
A correlated random effects spatial Durbin model2018
Aerotropolis: an aviation-linked space2011
Affirmative Action through Extra Prizes2013
A Folk Theorem for Games when Frequent Monitoring Decreases Noise2011
A fractionally integrated approach to monetary policy and inflation dynamics2013
Age effects, unobserved characteristics and hedonic price indexes: The Spanish car market in the 1990's2011
Agglomeration and location: a nonparametric approach2007
Agglomeration of Creative Industries: an Intra-metropolitan Analysis for Barcelona2016
Agglomeration vs. dispersion of economic activities in the districts of Paris2015
Aglomeración de sectores intensivos en conocimiento: una aproximación intra-urbana2018
Agriculture, technological change and environmental sustainability: Looking for a win-win water policy strategy2012
Airline Consolidation and the Distribution of Traffic between Primary and Secondary Hubs2012
Airport Congestion and Airline Network Structure2012
Air services on thin routes: Regional versus low-cost airlines2011
Allocating remaining carbon budgets and mitigation costs2022
All-pay auction equilibria in contests2008
A mechanism to pick the deserving winner2015
A Model of Party Discipline in a Congress2011
A Multisectorial model of prices: the SAM approach2007
An Analysis about reverse offshoring2019
An application of capital allocation principles to operational risk2013
An axiomatic characterization of the strong constrained egalitarian solution2012
An axiomatic justification of mediation in bankruptcy problems.2011
An egalitarian approach for sharing the cost of a spanning tree2019
A never-ending debate: Demand versus supply water policies. A CGE analysis for Catalonia2011
A New Approach for Bounding Awards in Bankruptcy Problems2012
An investigation on the pay-off to generic competences for core employees in Catalan manufacturing firms2010
A nonlinear threshold model for the dependence of extremes of stationary sequences2008
A note on discrete claims problems2012
A note on Luttens’ Minimal rights based solidarity2013
A note on Spatial Autocorrelation at a Local Level2005
A note on the Lorenz-maximal allocations in the imputation set2014
An overlapping generations approach to price policies in privatehealthcare insurance. The Catalan case2013
A Political Agency Model of Coattail Voting2010
A Proportional Approach to Bankruptcy Problems with a guaranteed minimum2012
Are cryptocurrencies becoming more interconnected?2020
A Rembrandt is a Rembrandt2005
Are parliaments with more parties cheaper to Bribe?2015
Are small firms more sensitive to financial variables?2010
Argumentation Quantity and Quality: A Litigation Success Function2019
A Sequential Allocation Problem: The Asymptotic Distribution of Resources2016
A Sequential Allocation Problem: The Asymptotic Distribution of Resources2014
A `solidarity' approach to the problem of sharing a network cost2016
Asymmetric price adjustments: A supply side approach2017
A territorial approach to firm entry: The effect of city size2004
A territorial approach to R&D subsidies: Empirical evidence for Catalonian firms2014
A Theory of Representative Behavior in the Dictator Game2014
Attribution models and the Cooperative Game Theory2017
Average monotonic cooperative games with nontransferable utility2022
A way to play bankruptcy problems.2011
Axiomatization of the nucl eolus of assignment games2014
Banks, Lies and Bricks: The Determinants of Home Value Inflation in Spain during the Housing Boom2015
Bounded Rationality and Correlated Equilibria2015
Brownian Signals: Information Quality, Quantity and Timing in Repeated Games2017
Brownian Signals: Information Quality, Quantity and Timing in Repeated Games2015
Business Cycle Regimes in CEECs Production: A Threshold SURE Approach2007
Business Exits entail greater future levels of entrepreneurship? An empirical analysis at country level2012
Capital accumulation and income inequality2015
Changes in Energy Output in a Regional Economy: A Structural Decomposition Analysis2016
Clusters of Cultural and Creative Industries: Any Role in Location Decisions of Firms?2021
Clusters of Cultural and Creative Industries: Empirical Evidence for Catalonia2021
CO2 emissions embodied in international trade: A multiregional Inputoutput model for Spain2013
Co-movements between US and UK stock prices: the roles of macroeconomic information and time-series varying conditional correlations2008
Competition for Procurement Shares2011
Composition of Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Spain: an Input-Output Analysis2006
Compromise solutions for bankruptcy situations: a note2014
Conflict and Competition over Multi-Issues2018
Conflicting claims problem associated with cost sharing of a network2014
Conflicting National Policies: The Creation of the Euro and the Rebalancing of Telecommunications Prices2021
Congested hubs2009
Consistency distinguishes the (weighted) Shapley value, the (weighted) surplus division value and the prenucleolus2016
Contagion or Interdependence in the recent Global Financial Crisis? An application to the stock markets using unconditional cross-market correlations2013
Contextualizing the impact of work organization on employee satisfaction2010
Corruption in representative democracy2013
Creative industries and firm creation: disentangling causal effects through historical cultural associations2017
Creative Industries: a Preliminary Insight to their Location Determinants2015
Creativity and entrepreneurship: Empirical evidence for Catalonia2018
Creativity and the City: Testing the Attenuation of Agglomeration Economies fo r the Creative Industries in Barcelona2017
Cronyism in Business, Public Sector and Politics2011
Cultural and Creative Industries: Empirical Evidence on Employment Growth2021
Dead-End Jobs or Career Opportunities? Advancement opportunities in call centers2009
Decentralization and the Gains from Monitoring2009
Decentralization and the Quality of Public Services: Cross-Country Evidence from Educational Data2018
Decentralization and the Welfare State: What Do Citizens Perceive?2013
Decentralization, happiness and the perception of institutions2011
Decentralization of contracts with interim sidecontracting2011
Decomposing the Changes in Water Intensity in a Mediterranean Region2018
Decomposing the Tourist’s Satisfaction Gap: The Role of Expectations and Cognitions2012
De la universidad al trabajo en tiempos de crisis: Experiencia, antigüedad y conocimientos adquiridos2016
Delegation and information sharing in oligopoly2004
Designing the Optimal Conservativeness of the Central Bank2011
Determinants of Decentralization within the Firm: Some Empirical Evidence from Spanish Small and Medium- Sized Enterprise2012
Determinants of energy efficiency and renewable energy in European SMEs2018
Determinants of high-growth firms:why do some countries have more high-growth firms than others?2011
Dictatorship versus manipulability2018
Direct and indirect subsidies in markets with system goods in the presence of externalities. Preliminary version2012
Discrimination in Bankruptcy Situations2012
Disentangling the Housing Satisfaction Puzzle: Does Homeownership Really Matter?2009
Disentangling the link between health and social capital: A comparison of immigrant and native-born populations in Spain2013
Disentangling water usage in the European Union: A decomposition analysis2014
Dispersión de precios en la industria de seguros sanitarios privados2009
Distributing the European structural and investment funds from a conflicting claims approach2018
Distributing the European structural and investment funds from a conflicting claims approach2018
Distributing the European Union Greenhouse Gas emission 20302021
Does Internationalization Alter the R&D-Productivity Relationship?2009
Does the EU financing system contribute to shadow economic activity?2011
Do Fiscal and Political Decentralization Raise Students’ Performance? A Cross-Country Analysis2012
Do Legal Immigrants and Natives Compete in the Labour Market? Evidence from Catalonia2010
Domestic and International Research Joint Ventures: The Effect of Collusion2013
Do more educated leaders raise citizens’ education?2013
Do political regime transitions in Africa Matter for Citizens’ Health Status2016
Do Schools Discriminate Against Homosexual Parents? Evidence from an Internet Field Experiment2015
Do schools discriminate against single parents? Evidence from a randomized correspondence experiment2020
Do Software and Videogames firms share location patterns across cities? Evidence from Barcelona, Lyon and Hamburg2018
Do we need or we want to share? The Role of Non Profit Sharing platforms2018
Eco-innovation : Spanish service and manufacturing firms2017
Eco-innovation strategies: Spanish service and manufacturing firms2017
Ecological and Economic Impacts within the Environmental Input-Output Framework2005
Ecological Footprint Inequality across countries: the role of environment intensity, income and interaction effects2012
Ecological Footprint Inequality: A methodological review and some results2012
Economic and environmental effects of the CO2 taxation: an input-output analysis for Spain2012
Economic impact of alternative policy measures implemented on the energy activities of the Catalan production system: an input-output analysis2007
Economic impact of a new museum on the local economy: 'The Gaudí Centre'2008
Economic impacts of alternative water policy scenarios in the Spanish production system: an input-output analysis2006
Eco-strategies and firm growth in European SMEs2017
Education and tax morale2017
El impacto diferencial del capital social sobre la salud de la población autóctona y los inmigrantes residentes en Cataluña2009
El retorno a las competencias para los titulados universitarios catalanes2010
Empirical studies in industrial location: an assessment of their methods and results2008
Empirical study about the effects of the application of IAS 32 in Cooperatives2013
Empirics of the international inequality in CO2 emissions intensity: explanatory factors according to complementary decomposition methodologies2013
Empowering the vulnerable to be entrepreneurs: An empirical test on the efectiveness of the Ghana microfinance policy 20062016
Endogenous Mergers of Complements with Mixed Bundling2010
Energy efficiency determinants: An empirical analysis of Spanish innovative firms2015
Enjoying cooperative games: The R package GameTheory2015
Entradas y salidas de empresas: un contraste de las hipótesis de independencia, simetría y simultaneidad2001
Entry determinants of the Software and Video games firms in Barcelona2019
Environmental Kuznets Curves for Carbon Emissions: A Critical Survey2009
Environmental Regulations in the Hog Farming Sector: A Comparison of Catalonia, Spain and Manitoba, Canada2010
Environmental Tax on Products and Services Based on Their Carbon Footprint: A Case Study of the Pulp and Paper Sector2012
Estimación del impacto sobre precios de la fusión Acer- Gateway y de su anuncio en América del Norte2012
Estimating individual effects and their spatial spillovers in linear panel data models2015
Estimating individual effects and their spatial spillovers in linear panel data models: Public capital spillovers after all?2016
European Integration: Partisan Motives or Economic Benefits?2014
External sources of innovation and industry-university interaction:evidence from Spanish firms2005
Fair bounds based solidarity2012
Financial constraints and the failure of innovation projects2013
Financial Inclusion and Women Economic Empowerment in Ghana2022
Firm Size and Geographical Aggregation: An Empirical Appraisal in Industrial Location2001
Firm Size and Short-Term Dynamics in Aggregate Entry and Exit2004
Flexible employment and cross- regional adjustment2011
Flight to Safety from European Stock Markets2018
Folk solution for simple minimum cost spanning tree problems2015
Foundations for contest success functions2008
Free Mobility and Taste-Homogeneity of Jurisdiction Structures2009
Frequency-Domain Estimation as an Alternative to Pre-Filtering External Cycles in Structural VAR Analysis2016
From bargaining solutions to claims rules: a proportional approach2013
Gathering support from rivals: the two agent case with random order2015
Gathering support from rivals: the two rivals case2014
Gender differences in competition: gender equality and cost reduction policies2019
Gender diversity and innovation in manufacturing and service firms2015
Gender diversity, R&D teams and patents: An application to Spanish firms2018
Gender gap index in Spain by regions2010
Generalized three-sided assignment markets: consistency and the core2014
Group contest success function: The heterogeneous individuals case2018
Growth, heterogeneous technological interdependence,and spatial externalities: Theory and Evidence2018
High-growth firms and innovation: an empirical analysis for Spanish firms2014
High Growth Firms and Innovation: an empirical analysis for Spanish firms2011
Hours worked - Productivity puzzle: identification in fractional integration settings2013
How did the Financial Crisis affect the Real Interest Rate Dynamics in Europe?2013
How Do Airlines React to Airport Congestion? The Role of Networks2015
How public perception towards party (dis)unity a ects the introduction of primaries2017
How to distribute the ERDF funds through a combination of egalitarian allocations: the CELmin2022
Identifying strategies for mitigating the global warming impact of the EU-25 economy using a multi-objective input-output approach2014
Identifying the Role of Final Consumption in Structural Path Analysis: An Application to Water Uses2014
Idiosyncratic Volatility Puzzle: Influence of Macro-Finance Factors2015
Imagen y segmentación en un destino turístico de Patrimonio de la Humanidad: el caso de la ciudad de Tarragona2011
Immigrants and Entrepreneurship: a Road for Talent or Just the Only Road?2017
Impact of Duration of Primary Education on Enrollment in Secondary Education: Panel Data Evidence from Developing Countries2018
Impact of Duration of Primary Education on School Enrollment, Graduation and Drop-outs: A Cross- Country Analysis2013
Independent Central Banks: Low inflation at no cost?: A model with fiscal policy2013
Individual Aspirations and Satisfaction:Quantifying the Importance of Homeownership2008
Industrial Location and Space: New Insights2011
Industrial location at a local level: some comments about the territorial level of the analysis2007
Information Dispersion and Equilibrium Multiplicity2009
Information, uncertainty and the manipulability of artifcial intelligence autonomous vehicles systems2019
Infraestructures de Transport i Localització Industrial. Evidència Empírica per a Catalunya2006
Innovación, frontera tecnológica y capacidad absortiva: un estudio a nivel de países2012
Innovation and absorptive capacity: What is the role of technological frontier?2011
Innovation and firm growth: Does firm age play a role?2013
Innovation and Geographical Spillovers: New Approaches and Empirical Evidence2018
Innovation and horizontal mergers in a vertically related industry2014
Innovation or Imitation? The effect of spillovers and competitive pressure on firms' R&D strategy choice2011
Innovation sources and productivity in Catalonian firms: a quantile regression analysis2009
Innovation sources and productivity in Catalonian firms: a quantile regression analysis2008
Innovation success: What is the role of innovation strategies?2015
Internal and External Determinants of Radical and incremental Innovation in SMEs: the case of Catalonia2010
International Equity on Greenhouse Gas Emissions and World Levels: an integrated analysis through distributive welfare indices2013
International tax competition: A reappraisal2017
Intra-metropolitan Agglomeration of Formal and Informal Manufacturing Activity: Evidence from Cali, Colombia2015
Investigating the impact of small versus large firms on economic performance of countries and industries2015
Is real GDP stationary? Evidence from a panel unit root test with cross-sectional dependence and historical data2012
Is Self-employment a Way to Escape from Skill Mismatches?2014
Is the Assumption of Linearity in Factor Models too Strong in Practice?2016
Is there a Link between BMI and Adolescents’ Educational Choices and Expectations?2020
Is there Descriminatory Mortgage Pricing against Immigrants in the Spanish Lending Market?2011
Judgement and Ranking: Living with Hidden Bias2016
La industria de los PCs en los mercados del continente americano: estimación de demanda y poder de mercado2012
Land use regulation and productivity - Land matters: Evidence from a UK Supermarket chain2012
Leading indicator properties of US high-yield credit spreads2009
Like milk or wine: Does firm performance improve with age?2010
Linear Aggregation In The Social Accounting Matrix Framework2010
Linking social heterogeneity and commodity price shocks to civil conflicts2016
Lobbying as a Guard against Extremism2012
Lobbying of Firms by Voters2009
Location Determinants of New Firms: Does Skill Level of Human Capital Really Matter?2011
Location of Co-Working Spaces in the city2019
Location of the Software & Videogames Industry: an insight into the case of Barcelona using microgeographic data2017
Locations and Relocations:Modelling, Determinants, and Interrelations2007
Lower bounds and resource allocation2017
Market Competition and Lower Tier Incentives2009
Market Competition and Lower Tier Incentives2007
Market effects of foreign exchange coordinated intervention2008
Market Power and Welfare in Asymmetric Divisible Good Auctions2017
Market power in California’s water market2021
Market Transparency, Market Quality and Sunshine Trading2013
Measuring the influence of energy prices within the price formation mechanism2017
Microfinance and credit rationing in Ghana: Does the microfinance type matter?2015
Migration and trade: Theory with an Application to the Eastern- Western European Integration2009
Migration Determinants at a Local Level2013
Mixed Duopoly in Education with Vouchers2018
Mobility and Housing Satisfaction: An Empirical Analysis for Twelve EU Countries2009
Modelling Interbank Relations during the International Financial Crisis2010
Modelling world investment markets using threshold conditional correlation models2012
Moral Hazard in Repeated Procurement of Services2014
Multinationals, R&D and productivity: Evidence for UK Manufactoring firms2010
Multi-stage oligopoly models with nested logit demand structures: A simplifying approach2011
Neither Private nor Public: The Effects of Communal Provision of Water on Child Health in Peru2012
New business formation and employment growth: some evidence for the Spanish manufacturing industry2006
New insights on empirical conflicting claims problems2016
New stakeholders, spaces and instruments of analysis in the context of energy relationships: Case studies from Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan2012
Nonempty core of minimum cost spanning tree games with revenues2021
¿Obtienen las multinacionales mayores rendimientos de sus actividades de I+D?2010
On Chinese stock markets: How have they evolved along time?2016
On manipulability in financial systems2021
On reduced games and the lexmax solution2014
On the automatic application of inequality indexes in the analysis of the international distribution of environmental indicators2010
On the coincidence of the Mas-Colell bargaining set and the core2013
On the disruptive power of small-teams research2020
On the effect of the geographical scope of agglomeration economies on firm location2010
On the existence of the Dutta-Ray’s egalitarian solution2016
On the (in)compatibility of rationality, monotonicity and consistency for cooperative games2015
On the invertibility of seasonally adjusted series2016
On the Link between Self-Employment and Job Satisfaction: What Do Really Change after Becoming a Self-Employee?2020
(Optimal) Spatial Aggregation in the Determinants of Industrial Location2009
Partial tax harmonization through infrastructure coordination2016
Platform pricing and consumer foresight: The case of airports2014
Political Competition in Hard Times2012
Political institutions and the development of telecommunications2007
Political leaders with backgrounds in business – bad for climate mitigation?2021
Pork Value Chains: A Comparison of Catalonia, Spain and Manitoba, Canada2010
Predicting Bond Betas using Macro-Finance Variables2018
Price policies and Price dispersion in the private healthcare insurance industry: The Catalan case2011
Product differentiation, competitive pressure and the effects of innovation on the success and survivability of firms in oligopoly markets2010
Productivity and human capital: a business-level analysis2010
Productivity in southern European small firms: When and how work organization complements process innovation2010
Profitability, uncertainty and multi-product firm product proliferation: The Spanish car industry2012
Progress Towards to Equity Market Integration in Eastern Europe2008
Public and private learning from prices, strategic substitutability and complementarity, and equilibrium multiplicity2010
Public Monitoring with Uncertainty in the Time Repetitions2011
Quantiles of the Realized Stock-Bond Correlation2011
Rational Partisan Theory with fiscal policy and an independent central bank2013
R&D cooperation between Spanish firms and scientific partners: what is the role of tertiary education?2011
Regional determinants of firm entry in a developing country2014
Regional Determinants of Firm Entry in a Developing Country2012
Relationship between technological progress, capital elasticity and emissions of industrial pollutants for the production sectors in Catalonia2009
Repeated Agenda Setting and the Unanimous Approval of Bad Policies2010
Repeated Interaction and the Revelation of the Monitor's Type: A Principal-Monitor-Agent Problem2010
Resource allocation with warranties in claims problems2017
Risk Attitude And Wage Growth: Replication And Reconstruction2009
Risk-Return Trade-Off for European Stock Markets2015
Scheduled Service Versus Personal Transportation: The Role of Distance2009
School Dropouts and the Local Labor Markets: The Role of the Skills Structure of the Employment2018
Science and technology parks and firm growth2016
Searching for the ‘least’ and ‘most’ dictatorial rules2016
Seasonality Determinants for the Main Markets in Spain2017
Seasonality of hotel demand in the main Spanish provinces: measurements and decomposition exercises2015
Security prices and market transparency: the role of prior information2005
Self-interest and Equity Concerns: A Behavioural Allocation Rule for Operational Problems2017
Should fiscal authorities cooperate in a monetary union with public deficit targets?2003
Signaling in Dynamic Contests: Some Impossibility Results2010
Signalling and Productivity Effects of Overeducation: Is It Really a Waste of Resources?2012
Simulating the Impact of Sectorial Productivity Gains on Two Regional Economies: Key Sectors from a Supply Side Perspective2011
Sincere Lobby Formation2010
Smooth Transition Patterns in the Realized Stock- Bond Correlation2011
Sobreeducación y Sobrecualificación en los Universitarios Catalanes. Una perspectiva de género2010
Sociedades cooperativas: mercantilidad y operaciones con terceros. Un comentario2010
Solidarity and uniform rules in bankruptcy problems2012
Some Considerations Concerning Regulation and Competition in the Port Sector2009
Some game-theoretic grounds for meeting people half-way2013
Some Notes and Comments on the Efficient use of Information in Repeated Games with Poisson Signals2015
Spatial Analysis of Clustering of Foreclosures in the Poorest-Quality Housing Urban Areas: Evidence from Catalan Cities2018
Spatial distribution of economic activities: an empirical approach usingself-organizing maps2010
Spatial Exploration of Age Distribution in Catalan Municipalities2013
Spatial polarization of the ecological footprint distribution2014
Staffing strategies in SME's: determinants of external recruitment and internal promotion2010
Stock market integration between new EU member states and the Euro-zone2008
Strategic inventories under limited commitment2017
Strategic Responses to International Tax Competition: Fiscal (De) Centralization versus Partial Tax Harmonization2017
Structural decomposition analysis and input-output subsystems: An application to Spanish CO2 emissions2010
Structural shocks and dinamic elasticities in a long memory model of the US gasoline retail market2016
Student earnings expectations: Heterogeneity or noise?2016
Supply Multipliers in Two Regional Economies2013
Technology, business models and network structure in the airline industry2010
The allocation of CO2 emissions as a claims problem2018
The Analysis of Accounting Multipliers: The NAMEA Approach in the Case of Catalonia2009
The Building Blocks of International Ecological Footprint inequality: A Regression-Base Decomposition2013
The Catalan health budget rationing problem2016
The causal factors of international inequality in CO2 emissions per capita: A regression-based inequality decomposition analysis2016
The Complete Information First. Price Auction or the Importance of Being Indivisible2008
The Conservativeness of the Central Bank when Institutional Quality is Poor2013
The Determinants of CO2 prices in the EU ETS System2019
The Determinants of Entrepreneurship in Developing Countries2015
The Determinants of Entry are not Independent of Start-up Size: Some evidence from Spanish manufacturing2004
The Determinants of Exit in Argentina: Core and Peripheral Regions2014
The determinants of partner choice for cooperative innovation: The effect of competition2015
The Determinants of Urban (Un)employment Duration: Evidence from Barcelona2013
The Duration of Compulsory Education and the Transition to Secondary Education: Panel Data Evidence from Low-Income Countries2020
The Effects of Corruption and Seigniorage on Growth and Inflation2014
The Effects of Corruption in a Monetary Union2015
The effects of uncertainty about countries' compliance with the Stability and Growth Pact2011
The equity core and the core2013
The equity core and the Lorenz-maximal allocations in the equal division core2013
The Geographical Scope of Industrial Location Determinants: An Alternative Approach2012
The global carbon budget:a conflicting claims problem2014
The Impact of Cooperation on R&D, Innovation and Productivity: an Analysis of Spanish Manufacturing and Services Firms2013
The impact of FTAs on MENA trade in agricultural and industrial products2015
The Impact of Public Libraries on School Achievement: The Case of Medellin2018
The Innovation and Imitation Dichotomy in Spanish firms: do absorptive capacity and the technological frontier matter?2011
The Integration of West Africa in the Global Economy, 1842-19382020
The International Distribution of Energy Intensities: some synthetic results2015
The Joint Impact of Infrastructure and Institutions on Economic Growth2018
The Limits of Discrete Time Repeated Games:Some Notes and Comments2012
The link between cryptocurrencies and Google Trends attention2021
The Long-run Effects of Housing on Well-Being2020
The Lottery Blotto Game2013
The number of parties and decision making in legislatures2016
The Reliability of Students’ Earnings Expectations2017
The Seasonality of Demand in Spanish Tourist Municipalities: Analysis and Determinants2017
The Significance of Business Exit for Future Entrepreneurial Activity2014
The size of the underground economy in Germany: A correction of the record and new evidence from the Modified-Cash-deposit-Ratio approach2010
The society gendered equilibrium: in search for an economic rationale2021
The strategic value of partial vertical integration2016
The value and credits of n-authors publications2019
The Variance-Frequency Decomposition as an Instrument for VAR Identification: an Application to Technology Shocks2016
To acquire or not to acquire: Mergers and Acquisitions in the Software Industry2018
Tourism seasonality worldwide2018
Tourist Seasonality and the Role of Markets2016
Tourist seasonality in Catalonia: The relevance of demand factors2016
Trade disclosure and price dispersion2003
Trends in African Migration to Europe: Drivers Beyond Economic Motivations2017
Trials, tricks and transparency: how disclosure rules affect clinical knowledge2008
Uncertainty and Downside Risk in International Stock Returns2020
Unilateral Effects Screens for Partial Horizontal Acquisitions: The Generalized HHI and GUPPI2018
Unilateral Effects Screens for Partial Horizontal Acquisitions: The Generalized HHI and GUPPI2015
Urban Employment in Small Businesses and the Level of Economic Development: Evidence from Chinese Cities2015
U.S. Banks’ lending behaviour, financial stability, and investor sentiment: A textual analysis2021
Volatility Spillovers in a Long-Memory VAR: an Application to Energy Futures Returns2018
Wage effects from changes in local human capital in Britain2011
Water Reallocation in the Input-Output Model2011
Weak fairness and the Shapley value2018
Weekly dynamic conditional correlations among cryptocurrencies and traditional assets2020
Welfare Maximizing Contest Success Functions when the Planner Cannot Commit2010
What are the social benefits of carbon sequestration?2016
What explains productivity differentials across spanish cities?2015
When culture does (not) matter: role models and self-efficacy as drivers of entrepreneurial behavior2015
When do central banks prefer to intervene secretly?2007
Where New Creative Industries Locate? Evidence from French Departments2018
Why do we ignore risk in schooling decisions?2014
Why not all young firms invest in R&D2014
Workers cooperation within the firm: an analysis using small and medium size firms2010
Work, risk and health: differences between immigrants and natives in Spain2010
World Polarization in carbon emissions, potential conflict and groups: an updated revision2014
Would Fiscal Authorities in the EMU prefer to coordinate?2006
Young Firms and R&D subsidies in Catalonia2014
Young innovative firms and R&D strategies: is the Spanish case different?2013