Revistes Publicacions URV: Revista Internacional de Organizaciones = International Journal of Organizations > 2012

Transformations of Swedish Labour Market Institutions. Effects on Employees’ Turnover Cognitions

  • Identification data

    Identifier: RP:867
  • Authors:

    Berglund, Tomas
  • Others:

    URV's Author/s: Berglund, Tomas
    Keywords: institutional complementarity, labour market institutions, turnover cognitions
    Abstract: The article studies how changes in 2007 in the Swedish unemployment insurance (UI) have influenced employees’ turnover cognitions. It is argued that the combination of a strict employment protection legislation (EPL) and a generous UI in 2006 made employees more inclined to risky transitions. The post-2007 combination of a strict EPL and an ungenerous UI reinforces non-mobility intentions. Analyses of two surveys show a smaller proportion of employees with turnover cognitions in 2010 than in 2006.
    Journal publication year: 2012
    Publication Type: info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion info:eu-repo/semantics/article
  • Keywords:

    institutional complementarity, labour market institutions, turnover cognitions
  • Documents:

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