Repositori institucional URV
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Infradiagnóstico de la depresión posparto: percepción de las matronas - TFG:2320

Title in original language:Infradiagnóstico de la depresión posparto: percepción de las matronas
Title in different languages:Underdiagnosis of postpartum depression: midewives perception
Keywords:postpartum depression, underdiagnosis, interventions
Abstract:Postpartum Depression is a psychiatric disorder that affects between 10-15 % of Spanish women. It appears between 2-4 weeks postpartum and can become chronic, being able to remain up to one year after the childbearing. Multiple factors are involved in its development, being the hormonal factor the most important. In postpartum depression also takes part social, cultural and personal influences. Its main symptoms are the sadness, fatigue, irritability and incapability for the autocare and baby’s care. Several instruments exist for the early detection, EPDS and BDI, and the midwife or nurses will use them. The treatment options are the pharmacological and the behavioural one and the management is multidisciplinary. The importance of this disorder consists in the underdiagnosis and it is not attended, deriving in numerous consequences for the woman and the baby and economic and familiar bonds. Until now, it is known that the absence of formation about DPP in midwifes and the little demand of help of the women causes the underdiagnosis. The design of this investigation is based on the qualitive method. Try to know the meaning of their experiences since their point of view. Because of this, it is using a phenomenology point. The main tool will be the interview, following a semi structured script. There will be 3 individual interviews.
Project director:SOMBRERO TORRES, INÉS
Education area(s):Infermeria
Entity:Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
TFG credits:12
Creation date in repository:2019-11-12
Work's public defense date:2019-06-06
Academic year:2018-2019
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