Repositori institucional URV
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La nueva pobreza: perfiles, problemáticas y soluciones intentadas - TFG:439

Title in original language:La nueva pobreza: perfiles, problemáticas y soluciones intentadas
Title in different languages:The new poverty: profiles, problems and attempted solutions
Keywords:Necessity, economics crisis, new poberty.
Abstract:The changes in society caused by the severe economic crisis that is sweeping the country since 2008 have created a new poverty profile, which is men, women, children and families who have been living in a situation normalized to be in a situation vulnerability and plunge into poverty and social exclusion. Based on this consideration, the article will focus on analyzing the characteristics of these new poverty profiles and publicize what is your current situation. Also, consider what were the reasons that led them to this situation and what measures have been taken in this regard to meet the new situation, both before and after attending social services. At the same time , the response of professionals regarding this increase in demand is analyzed and how they have faced this new reality
Project director:García, Cristina
Department:Antropologia, Filosofia i Treball Social
Education area(s):Treball Social
Entity:Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
Creation date in repository:2016-01-14
Work's public defense date:2015-05-25
Academic year:2014-2015
Subject areas:Social Work
Access rights:info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
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