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Envellir en el medi rural - TFG:448

Student:Mercadé Massó, Ariadna
Title in original language:Envellir en el medi rural
Title in different languages:Aging in rural areas
Keywords:Elderly people, active aging, life expectancy
Subject:Persones grans-Atenció domiciliària
Abstract:The main idea of the article is based on a research study conducted in the course of applied social research on 3rd year bachelor of Social Work. The purpose of this study is to find out if an elderly person living alone at his/her home in rural areas has got the necessary services for aging in dignity and in an active way. Furthermore, we wanted to know which home care received or may receive the elderly person, and if that care is appropriate to their needs. Finally, we wanted to know what was the daily life of the seniors who attended a day center and compare it with the people who lived alone and did not receive any professional assistance; we wanted to know about the activities and services that were offered and whether they were enough for the seniors who received them. This study has been carried out taking into account interviews with old people in rural areas and several professionals in the field of seniors, and thanks to the information we have obtained by means of them, it has been proved that it is possible to become old in an active and dignified way in a rural town, but it would be necessary to have a wider range of services and activities for this group, especially to try to alleviate their loneliness. It has also been reported how the service center in El Morell offers its users the necessary resources although it would be essential to have a psychological service.
Project director:Zafra Aparici, Eva
Department:Antropologia, Filosofia i Treball Social
Education area(s):Treball Social
Entity:Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
Creation date in repository:2016-01-14
Work's public defense date:2015-05-27
Academic year:2014-2015
Subject areas:Social Work
Access rights:info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
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