Repositori institucional URV
Español Català English
Enseñando estratégicamente una lengua: la comprensión auditiva en ELE - TFM:420

Student:Gabalo Rojas, Natalia Andrea
Title in original language:Enseñando estratégicamente una lengua: la comprensión auditiva en ELE
Title in different languages:Teaching a language strategically: listening comprehension in Spanish as a foreign language
Keywords:Listening comprehension, strategic competence, metacognition
Subject:Dades. Transmissió
Abstract:The purpose of this investigation is to understand el pedagogical framework of listening comprehension and strategic competence in the foreign language classroom, especially in the Spanish foreign language classroom. The study focuses on conducting a theoretical analysis of the different elements surrounding listening comprehension and the strategic competence from a cognitive perspective. Thus, it is highlighted the role of metacognition and its contributions to the listening process. The author acknowledge the contributions of Goh and Vandergrift (2012), and Rost (2011) on listening comprehension, Chamot (1998), Martín (2009) and Goh (2010) regarding the strategic competence. As result of this analysis, it was designed an interactive recommendation guide addressed to the Spanish teachers. The purpose of the recommendation guide is to become a reference material for the Spanish teachers and, thus, to guide the listening practices through a metacognitive methodology. This approach seeks that the students become aware of their performances so they can reflect on them and establish a learning plan based on their experiences. Also, the guide presents sample material, which can be adapted and included in the listening activities proposed by the teacher taking into account the needs and the learning objectives of the target learners. Moreover, the role of self-assessment stands out in the listening practices. In this sense, it was created the Metacognitive Questionnaire of Self-assessment for Listening Comprehension, which students may use to assess and reflect on their performance when listening. Likewise, teachers’ self-assessment seems relevant and for this reason, it was developed a self-assessment questionnaire about listening practices addressed to Spanish teachers.
Project director:Moreno Villanueva, José Antonio
Department:Filologies Romàniques
Education area(s):Ensenyament de Llengües - Espanyol com a Llengua Estrangera
Entity:Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
TFM credits:12
Work's public defense date:2019-06-21
Academic year:2018-2019
Creation date in repository:2019-10-14
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