Data d'alta al repositori: 2021-07-05
Resum: En la gestació, la dona sofreix uns canvis hormonals importants que ajudaran al seu cos a modificar – se i a adaptar – se a la situació. És important que amb l’alimentació la mare proporcione els nutrients necessaris per al correcte desenvolupament fetal i matern i garantir un part sense complicacions. Per tant, una de les característiques a tenir en compte en els controls prenatals és el pes de la mare, ja que els diferents trastorns alimentaris incrementen el risc de complicacions en tot el període de l’embaràs. Introduction: Women during pregnancy need more demanding nutritional input for the proper development of the fetus and the mother and to ensure an uncomplicated part, making it important to control weight and healthy eating at the gestation stage, always adapted to maternal characteristics and needs. Objective: Performing bibliographic research to learn the importance of increasing the weight of women in the gestation phase, as well as describing the benefits and complications of this growth in gestational weight. Methodology: Bibliographic research in the Pubmed, Scopus and Web of Science databases. A number of key words were chosen that combined with Boolean operators were the equations used for research. In addition, the relevant opt-in and excussion criteria were finally met with a total of twelve articles. Results: Of the 864 articles first found, they remained with a total of 244, after defining the research with the established opt-in and exclusion criteria. These only dealt with the main topic twelve which were finally used. There are multiple articles related to complications that may result from a pregnancy due to an inadequate weight during this period, but few related to the recommended exact amount of weight. Conclusions: With bibliographic research, it became known that there is no recommended increase in clear weight for the gesture, but that there are more or less suitable values depending on the iMC of each woman. In addition, most complications include perinatal death, malformations, bleeding, diabetes, hypertension... They have a higher rate of development – they are in women with an IMC . 25 kg/m2, that is, in women making obese gestures. Keywords: weight, pregnancy, anorexia, obesity/overweight, pregnant and fetus.
Matèria: Embaràs -- Aspectes nutricionals
Idioma: Català
Departament: Infermeria
Estudiant: Santamaria Soto, Helena
Curs acadèmic: 2020-2021
Títol en diferents idiomes: L'impacte del control del pes de les dones embarassades en el periode de gestació The impact of the weight control of pregnant women in the gestation period El impacto del contol de el peso de las mujeres embarazadas en el periodo de gestación
Data de la defensa del treball: 2021-06-07
Drets d'accés: info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
Paraules clau: pes, embaràs, obesitat weight, pregnancy, obesity peso, embarazo, obesidad
Confidencialitat: No
Títol en la llengua original: L'impacte del control del pes de les dones embarassades en el periode de gestació
Director del projecte: Fernández Sáez, José
Ensenyament(s): Infermeria
Entitat: Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)