################################################################################################################################################ ################################################################################################################################################ All experimental sessions were carried out in the infrastructures provided by the Catalan Federation of Mental Health. These include: the World Mental Health Day event, organized in Lleida on October 8th, 2016. Two social events promoted and arranged by the Federation as part of the yearly social activity plan: in an assembly hall in Valls on March 18th, 2017, and in a community mental health center in Sabadell on March 27th, 2017. And a local employment insertion centre for people with mental disorders in Girona on March 24th, 2017. The participants played in random groups of six players each, for a maximum of three groups at a time depending on the location’s constraints. Experimental stations were spatially arranged so that participants could not see each other. Also, they were rigorously prevented from talking or signaling one another. To further guarantee that potential interactions among players sitting close to each other did not influence the results of the experiment, the assignment of players’ partners was completely random. All of the participants played through a web interface specifically developed for the experiment. The participants were shown a brief tutorial, but were not given any clue. They were informed that they had to make decisions under different conditions and against different opponents in every round. Also, to incentivize their participation, participants were told that they would earn a voucher worth their final score. We made sure the interface be the most simple and understandable to ensure the correct understanding of the tasks. Also, the interface was the same for everybody. We made sure to avoid the research be upsetting or harmful for the participants by presenting the experiment as a game and playful activity. Three to four researchers closely monitored each session to guarantee the experimental protocol be strictly followed. Yet, the researchers provided help when required. They played 3 games in groups of 6 participants: 1. Collective-risk dilemma (Climate Game): 10-rounds game. (60 choices per game) 2. Prisoner's dilemma (Prize Game): 2 choices per participants: cooperation and expected cooperation. (12 choices per game) 3. Trust game (Inversor's Game): 2 choices per participants, one with the role of inversor and the other with the role of entrepreneur. (12 choices per game) Each of the four experimental sessions is separated in 4 tables (each field is described below). 1. partida.csv: data of each game. Lleida (20 games), Girona (10 games), Sabadell (8 games), Valls (7 games) 2. ronda.csv: data of each round in CRD. Lleida (200 rounds), Girona (100 rounds), Sabadell (80 rounds), Valls (70 rounds). 3. userronda.csv: data in each round by user in CRD. Lleida (1200 choices), Girona (1000 choices), Sabadell (800 choices), Valls (700 choices) 4. users.csv: data of users. Lleida (120 participants), Girona (60 participants), Sabadell (48 participants), Valls (42 participants) ################################################################################################################################################ 1. partida.csv ------------------ Fields: id: game's identifier num_partida: number of game data_creacio: date creation data_inicialitzacio: date start data_finalitzacio: date end classe: place where the experiment took place [GIRONA, VALLS, LLEIDA, SABADELL] num_rondes: total number of rounds in the CRD usuaris_registrats: total number of participants guanyen_igualent: participants get the compensation even if the not achieve the target in CRD [0: Not get the reward, 1: Get the reward] objectiu_aconseguit: indicate if the participants achieved the target in the CRD [0: No, 1: Yes] 2. ronda.csv ------------------ Fields: id: round's identifier num_ronda: number of round in the game bucket_inici_ronda: monetary units at the start of the round bucket_final_ronda: monetary units at the end of the round temps_inici_ronda: date start round temps_final_ronda: date end round partida_id: game's identifier 3. userronda.csv ------------------ Fields: id: user round's identifier ha_seleccionat: participant or bot choice [0: bot choice, 1: participant choice] seleccio: participant/bot choices [0,2,4] temps_seleccio: date choice ronda_id: round's identifier user_id: user's identifier 4. user.csv ------------------ Fields: id: participant's identifier codi_postal: zip code genere: gender [h: male, d: female] rang_edat: age range [r1: 18-24, r2: 25-34, r3: 35-44, r4: 45-54, r5:55-64, r6: >65] or exact age nivell_estudis: educational level [r1: None, r2: Primary Education, r3: Secondary Education, r4: Baccalaureate or equivalent, r5: Professional Education, r6: University Studies, r7: Not Specified] situacio_laboral: employment status [r1: Not working, r2: Working, r3: Working in CET (Centro Especial de Trabajo)] estat_civil: marital_status [r1: Single, r2: Married, r3: Civil Union, r4: Divorced, r5: Widow, r6: Others] persona: role in the mental health ecosystem [r1: Non-caregiver relative, r2: Caregiver relatives or informal, r3: Friend, r4: Professional, r5: Other, r6: Affected with mental disorder] diagnostic: diagnosis [r1: Depression, r2: Bipolar, r3: Psychosis, r4: Anxiety, r5: Other mental disorder, r6: I do not have any mental disorder] diners_inicials: initial endowments [40] num_seleccions: number of choices [default: 10] guany_final: final earnings in CRD partida_id: game's identifier rival_joc_inversor1_id: rival's identifier in Inversor's Game (first choice) rival_joc_inversor2_id: rival's identifier in Inversor's Game (second choice) rival_joc_premi_id: rival's identifier in Prize Game rol_joc_inversor1: role in Inversor's Game (first choice) [I: inversor, E: entrepreneur] rol_joc_inversor2: role in Inversor's Game (second choice) [I: inversor, E: entrepreneur] choice_joc_inversor1: choice in Inversor's game (first choice) choice_joc_inversor2: choice in Inversor's game (second choice) choice_joc_premi: choice in Prize Game [C: cooperate, D: defect] guess_joc_premi: guess rival choice in Prize Game [C: cooperate, D: defect] diners_clima: earnings CRD diners_empresari: earnings entrepreneur (Inversor's Game) diners_inversor: earnings inversor (Inversor's Game) diners_premi: earnings Prize Game val_abacus: real earnings in vouchers data_seleccio_guess_premi: date choice guess Prize Game data_seleccio_inversor1: date choice Inversor's Game (first choice) data_seleccio_inversor2: date choice Inversor's Game (second choice) data_seleccio_premi: date choice Prize Game