************************* MRBANKS EXPERIMENT DATASET ************************** The data stored here come from a lab-in-the-field experiment, called Mr. Banks, where volunteers are given a controlled set of financial information -based on real data from worldwide financial indices- and they are required to guess whether the market price would go up or down in each situation. Data is used to explore basic statistical traits, behavioural biases and emerging strategies. More details can be found in the following publication: Mario Gutiérrez-Roig, Carlota Segura, Jordi Duch and Josep Perelló. Market Imitation and Win-Stay Lose-Shift strategies emerge as unintended patterns in market direction guesses. PLoS ONE. (2016) For any question or comment please contact any author of the paper. You can also find more information of the prohect at www.mr-banks.net EXPERIMENTAL SETTING The experiment was carried out inside the context of DAU Festival, a board game fair held in Barcelona during the weekend of 14th and 15th of December 2013. The event was organized by the Institute of Culture of the City Council and attracted 6,000 attendants from Barcelona and its surroundings. The experiment is framed inside the Pop-Up Experiment concept. Participants did not know in advance the details of the experiment and were asked to play with Mr. Banks (for the participants the experiment was referred as a game) via an interface specifically created and accessible through identical iPads only available in a controlled area -a space with chairs isolated from the rest of the festival-. At least three researchers simultaneously supervised the experiment at all times, preventing any interaction among the volunteers and avoiding that anybody was repeating the experiment. In order to satisfy privacy issues, all personal data about the participants were anonymized and de-identified in agreement with the Spanish Law for Personal Data Protection and the institutional review board and data protection commissioner of the Universitat de Barcelona. An online informed consent was given by participants for their clinical records to be used in this study. DATASET CONTENT The MrBanks dataset file contains all recordings needed for reproducing the experimental part of the paper. 283 volunteers were recruited to participate in the experiment in the DAU Festival of Barcelona. The participants took 18,436 valid decisions (89 times they ran out of time) and made 44,703 clicks on the screen. DATASET STRUCTURE The dataset is stored in a XML file structured in 4 different tables: - Series: This table shows the information about market series. The table is composed in the following fields: 1) id ID of the entry. 2) series Series ID. 3) index Real Series Index. 4) round Day number (from the initial date). 5) date Corresponding date in the real series. 6) price Closing price of the corresponding day. 7) diff Difference in percentage. 8) result Up (1) or down (-1) with respect previous day price. 9) expert Expert advice up (1) down (-1) with 60% of success. - Users: This table shows the information about users. The table is composed in the following fields: 1) id User ID 2) gender Tag for males (h) and females (d) 3) age_range Age range: 0-15 (re0), 16-25 (re1), 26-35 (re2), 36-45 (re3), 46-55 (re4), 56-65 (re5), beyond 65 years old (re6). 4) education_level Education Lelvel: No studies (ne0), Primary (ne1), Secondary (ne2), High School (ne3), University (ne4) and Unavailable (ne5). 5) question_1 (Question before playing): Have you participated in other citizen science experiments? (Yes=0, No=1) 6) question_2 (Question before playing): Wich is your degree of interest in economics or finance? (Low=0, Medium=1, High=2) 7) question_3 (Question before playing): Have you ever operated in the stock market? (Yes=0, No=1) 8) question_4 (Question before playing): Do you think that you can predict financial markets? (Yes=0, No=1, I don't know=2) 9) question_5 (Question before playing): Do you think that experts can predict financial markets? (Yes=0, No=1, I don't know=2) 10) question_6 (Question before playing): If you had the same information than the experts, then do you think that you can predict financial markets? (Yes=0, No=1, I don't know=2) 11) question_7 (Question after playing): How have you found this experience? (Positive=0, Neutral=1, Negative=2) 12) question_8 (Question after playing): Did you find the provided information useful for making decisions? (Yes=0, No=1, I don't know=2) 13) question_9 (Question after playing): Which kind of information has been more useful? (Past 30 day price evolution = 0, Previous intraday price = 1, Expert's opinion = 2, Arrows plot = 3, Other world markets = 4, None of them = 5) 14) question_10 (Question after playing): How did you make your decisions? (Completely by intuition = 0, More by intuition than by information = 1, Same degree of intuiton and information = 3, More by information than by intuition = 4, Completely by information = 5, I don't know = 6) 15) question_11 (Question before playing, same than Question_6): If you had the same information than the experts, then do you think that you can predict financial markets? (Yes=0, No=1, I don't know=2) 16) score Score or money at the end of the game. 17) 1st_scenario_id Corresponding game ID of first scenario. 18) 2nd_scenario_id Corresponding game ID of second scenario. 19) 3rd_scenario_id Corresponding game ID of third scenario. 20) 4th_scenario_id Corresponding game ID of fourth scenario. 21) init_time Time when user started playing. 22) end_time Time when user finished playing. 23) finished Flag users that have finished all steps. - Game: This table shows the information about games (sets of 25 rounds). The table is composed in the following fields: 1) id Game ID. 2) scenario First character indicates scenario while the second Intervention (I) or Control (C) groups. 3) series Series ID played. 4) completed Tag for completed games (1). 5) correct_answers Number of correct guesses. 6) errors Number of errors. 7) end_date Ending time. - Rounds: This table shows the information about rounds. The table is composed in the following fields: 1) id Round ID. 2) game Game ID. 3) round Number of round of the same game. 4) user User ID. 5) scenario First character indicates scenario while the second Intervention (I) or Control (C) groups. 6) round_time Total round time. 7) decision Decision Up (1), No answer(0) or Down(-1). 8) result Correct (1) or incorrect (-1). 9) information_consulted Number of information panels consulted. 10) clicks Number of clicks on buttons. 11) info_daily_price_time Time spended in the general screen. 12) info_5days_average_time Time spended in the 5 days average screen. 13) info_30days_average_time Time spended in the 30 days average screen. 14) info_intraday_time Time spended in the previous intraday price screen. 15) info_expert_time Time spended in the expert's screen. 16) info_arrows_time Time spended in arrows screen. 17) info_world_markets_time Time spended in world markets screen.