C3UERRAWP1 subdaily dataset, March 2018 To be accompanied by an article in Earth System Science Data Format of the data is: stationid,stationname,wmocode,latitude,longitude,altitude,sourceid,elementid,year,month,day,hour,V1value,V2value,V3value,convalue,qcversio n,flag,conversioncode. sourceid, elementid, flag definitions and conversion code details are given at the bottom of this README. conversioncode details are given in the associated metadata Excel spreadsheet (Sheet 2), along with temporal coverage of each variable for each station. Each observation in the data file has four versions: V1value, V2value, V3value and convertedvalue. V1 are the original data; V2 are the data with automatic statistical quality control applied; V3 are the data with statistical and spatial quality control applied; convertedvalue are the final version converted into SI units. Missing value codes 99999 No WMO code assigned All times are local Variables pp Sea level pressure (hPa) sp Station level pressure (hPa) rr Precipitation (mm) tt Atmospheric temperature dp Dew point temperature (ºC) ff Wind strength (m/s) fg 10 minutes maximum wind speed (m/s) fs Fresh snow (mm) rh Relative humidity (%) sd Snow depth (mm) wd Wind direction (º from north) hg Relative humidity hygrometer (%) wb Wet bulb temperature (ºC) (ºC) ffv10 Vector wind velocity at 10 m (m/s) wdv10Vector wind direction at 10 m (º) ffv6 Vector wind velocity at 6 m (m/s) wdv6 Vector wind direction at 6 m (º) ffv2 Vector wind velocity at 2 m (m/s) wdv2 Vector wind direction at 2 m (º) ffs10 Scalar wind velocity at 10 m (m/s) wds10 Scalar wind direction at 10 m (º) ffs6 Scalar wind velocity at 6 m (m/s) wds6 Scalar wind direction at 6 m (º) ffs2 Scalar wind velocity at 2 m (m/s) wds2 Scalar wind direction at 2 m (º) A note on fs, sd and rr values with a time code of 9999 indicate 24hour accumulation (0700 the previous day to 0700 recording day) fs and sd at 0700 indicates 12 hour accumulation (1900 the previous day to 0700 recording day) fs and sd at 1900 indicated 12 hour accumulation (0700 recording day to 1900 recording day) Sub-daily rr values are accumulated totals from the hour of previous rainfall observation. A rainfall value of -3 indicates trace rainfall (Brocken only) A snow depth value of FL indicated broken snow cover (Brocken only) Other sub-daily rr values are accumulated totals since the hour of previous rainfall observation. Quality control flags Values checked by statistical quality control, but not by automatic spatial homogeneity assessment (HadISD procedure) fl10 Not flagged in quality control testing, not tested by HadISD procedure fl11 Removed due to gross digitiser error, not tested by HadISD procedure fl12 Corrected typographical error, not tested by HadISD procedure fl13 Removed after expert consideration, not tested by HadISD procedure fl14 Validated as correct, not tested by HadISD procedure fl15 Corrected after expert consideration, not tested by HadISD procedure fl17 Removed as no data in source, not tested by HadISD procedure For data provided in digital format only fl18 Provided in pre-QCed digitised format by a national meteorological service, not tested by HadISD procedure fl20 Flagged as suspicious/aggregated by data provider, not tested by HadISD procedure (provided data only) Values checked by statistical quality control and automatic spatial homogeneity assessment (HadISD procedure, V3) fl36 Removed by HadISD procedure fl30 Not flagged in quality control testing, passed HadISD procedure fl32 Corrected typographical error, passed HadISD procedure fl34 Validated as correct, passed HadISD procedure fl35 Corrected after expert consideration, passed HadISD procedure List of conversions applied to digitised data, where x represents the original unit and y is the converted value. Wind speed conversions Wind direction conversions Pressure conversions Original units Beaufort scale Turkish 17point power scale 9 point power scale final units m/s km/h knots 16 point compass scale 32 point direction scale degrees/10 mmhg hpa*10 m/s m/s degrees Temperature degF conversions Details degrees replacement of x with y using the following map: 0=0 1=1 2=2.6 3=4.6 4=6.7 5=9.3 6=12.3 7=15.4 8=19 9=22.6 10=26.8 11=30.9 12=35, from WMO Code 1100 replacement of x with y using the following map: 0=0 1=0.9 2=2.4 3=4.4 4=6.7 5=9.3 6=12.3 7=15.5 8=18.9 9=22.6 10=26.4 11=30.5 12=34.8 13=39.2 14=43.8 15=48.6 16=53.5 17=58.6 taken from data source (average of wind range used) replacement of x with y using the following map: 0=0 1=1 2=2.6 3=4.6 4=6.7 5=9.3 6=12.3 7=15.4 8=19 9=28.8, from 1931 French instruction book http://bibliotheque.meteo.fr/exl-php/vueconsult/mf_-_recherche_avancee/ISO00008704 y=x/3.6 rounded to 1 decimal place y=x*0.514444 rounded to 1 decimal place replacement of x with y using the following map: C=0 NNE=22.5 NE=45 ENE=67.5 E=90 ESE=112.5 SE=135 SSE=157.5 S=180 SSW=202.5 SW=225 WSW=247.5 W=270 WNW=292.5 NW=315 NNW=337.5 N=360 y=x*11.25 degrees hPa hPa y=x/10.0 y=x*1.33224 rounded to 2 decimal places y=x/10 degC y=(x-32)*(5/9) rounded to 2 decimal places m/s m/s Data sources sourcename Source location Source provider server/so04 server/so06 server/so12 server/so16 server/so54 so56 Bulletin Meteorologique de Algerie Bulletin Meteoorologique du Maroc Bulletin Climatologique, Lebanon Egypt Daily Weather Report Instituto Nacional de Meteorología Banco de Datos Meteoroloski godisnjak 1 - klimatoloski podaci so61 so62 Yillik-Bulteni Deutscher Wetterdienst server/so61 server/so62 so63 so64 so65 Cyprus Meteorological Returns Rocenka-annuaire Slovenian Environmental Agency server/so63 server/so64 server/so65 so66 Romanian National Meteorological Administration Available through NOAA-CDMP Available through NOAA-CDMP Available through NOAA-CDMP Available through NOAA-CDMP Provided by the Servei Meteorologic de Catalunya. Contact: Marc Prohom Provided by Republic Hydrometeorological Service of Serbia Available through NOAA-CDMP Provided by Deutscher Wetterdienst. Contact: Frank Kaspar Available through the UK Met Office Available through NOAA-CDMP Provided by Slovenian Environmental Agency. Contact: Matija Klancar Contact: Roxana Bojariu sourceid so04 so06 so12 so16 so54 server/so56 Note: sources available through NOAA-CDMP were available online at http://library.noaa.gov/Collections/Digital-Documents/Foreign-ClimateData-Home, 14 March 2018 In the source location column, server: u: C3_UERRA, p: c3uerra17, folder: C3_UERRA_datasources_images.