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Antropología médica en la Europa meridional: 30 años de debate sobre pluralismo asistencial - PC:1295

Author:José María Uribe Oyarbide, Enrique Perdiguero-Gil
Document name:Antropología médica en la Europa meridional: 30 años de debate sobre pluralismo asistencial
Book publication year:2014
Abstract:The last thirty years of medical anthropology in the southern Europe have enabled the discipline to evolve from an approach that basically described and counted other forms of becoming ill, other visions of curing and other spaces for healing to a critical and attentive focus on the plurality of resources surrounding us and their technical, ideological and normalising implications. The present volume explicitly revives classic methodological debates regarding international health systems and their diverse users and the explosion/implosion of the hegemonic medical model. Other contributions discuss the direction of the sub-discipline and of a self-referential and critical ethnography. Finally, the volume looks at the shortcomings of the established canon, and indicates transgressive ruptures and emerging thinking regarding institutional mechanisms and growing evidence of self-care in the fabric of the public health system.
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