In this book of abstracts, you will find summaries for more than 80 papers from relevant Integrative Medicine world professionals, 80 free communications and 100 accepted posters. I will not highlight any of them, as a collective we are all essential to improve medicine through Integrative Medicine.
En aquest llibre de resums, trobareu resums de més de 80 articles de professionals mundials rellevants de la medicina integral, 80 comunicacions gratuïtes i 100 cartells acceptats. No destacaré cap d'elles, ja que, com a col·lectiu, tots som essencials per a millorar la medicina a través de la medicina integral. In this book of abstracts, you will find summaries for more than 80 papers from relevant Integrative Medicine world professionals, 80 free communications and 100 accepted posters. I will not highlight any of them, as a collective we are all essential to improve medicine through Integrative Medicine.