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Análisis económico para la implantación de un centro de distribución de aceite de oliva en Polonia - PFC:37

Student:Magarolas Maldonado, Francesc
Griñó Carmona, Jesús
Camacho Fantoba, Evelyn
Title in original language:Análisis económico para la implantación de un centro de distribución de aceite de oliva en Polonia
Title in different languages:Economical analysis for the implantation of a center of olive oil distribution in Poland
Work director:Mañé Loran, Enric
Abstract:t is very important to say about this project , that due to the lack of knowledge about the Polish culture and the regulation that is used there, we have decided to carry out the study as if the terminal had been settled in Spanish territory. What has led us to take this decision is that Poland entered a few time ago into the European Union. The Spanish legislation is next to the legislation they have in the rest of the European countries. Because of that, if the plant would be finally carried out, it should be designed and regulated by the legislation currently in force here. Our project has followed different steps, from the most fundamental and important for starting the design to the most concrete and specific for giving form to all the details of the plant.
Education area(s):Enginyeria Tècnica Industrial Especialitat en Química Industrial
Subject:Oli d'oliva
Subject areas:Chemical engineering
Departament:Enginyeria Química
Work credits:12
Academic year:2008-2009
Creation date in repository:2011-06-07
Entity:Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
Visibility:Visible sense restriccions
Project public defense date:2009
Work's qualificative:Projecte
Patents and copyrights:No
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