Repositori institucional URV
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Realización de un resistor libre de pérdidas para un sistema de iluminación con diodos LED - PFC:47

Student:Bodetto Dallera, Mirko Andrés
Title in original language:Realización de un resistor libre de pérdidas para un sistema de iluminación con diodos LED
Title in different languages:Making a loss free resistor for a lighting system with LEDs
Work director:Guasch Pesquer, Lluís
Abstract:This project proposes the use of new lighting technologies being developed on high- brightness LEDs (HBLEDs) due to their high energy performance. The problem posed by these LEDs is the power supply, because these semiconductor devices are very low power. Given its high performance, we will implement an adaptation stage of voltage and current in order to introduce the least amount of harmonics in the network. For that, we will use an active power factor corrector based on the switching converter SEPIC. Using an sliding mode control technique we will impose a Loss- Free Resistor (LFR) behavior in this converter. Thus, the LFR will act as an ideal rectifier with a power factor near the unity
Education area(s):Enginyeria Automàtica i Electrònica Industrial
resistència elèctrica
Subject areas:Electronic engineering
Departament:Enginyeria Elèctrònica, Elèctrica i Automàtica
Academic year:2009-2010
Creation date in repository:2011-06-14
Work's type:Suport recerca
Entity:Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
Visibility:Visible sense restriccions
Project public defense date:2010-03-15
Power conditioning
Power conditioning
Work's qualificative:Projecte excel·lent
Patents and copyrights:No
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