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Estratègies comunicatives on-line de destinacions turístiques. Anàlisi, bones pràctiques i adaptabilitat pel Patronat de Turisme de Tarragona - TFG%3A1158

Student:Delgado González, Ana Belén
Title in original language:Estratègies comunicatives on-line de destinacions turístiques. Anàlisi, bones pràctiques i adaptabilitat pel Patronat de Turisme de Tarragona
Title in different languages:Communication strategies on-line tourist destinations. Analysis, best practice and suitability for Tarragona Tourist Board
Keywords:strategies, web, Tarragona Tourist Board
Subject:Turisme i oci
Abstract:This project studies the tourist area of the city of Tarragona, developing communication strategies for the web portal for this destination. This study consists of an exhaustive analysis of web pages for different tourist destinations in order to be able to extract good practices that can be adapted for the web portal of the city of Tarragona. The main goal of this exercise is the implementation of a catalogue of tourist products for sale on-line from the Tourist Board of Tarragona´s web site, thus improving the service to visitors, providing the opportunity to small companies to position themselves in the city and promote their products, and ultimately to ensure the quality of the visitor’s stay in the destination. The methodology used for this project is based primarily on an analysis of tourism management of the city and a diagnosis of the situation of Tarragona, based on its product and offerings, where it has been possible to analyze the profile of the tourist and the influence of new technologies in the form of travel arrangements for this destination. For the analysis of web portals with different destinations on its web, the catalogue of products for sale on- line, a template has been designed that incorporates a series of indicators to assess the image and web design as well as the structure used for a catalog of tourism products; thus able to extract good practices for implementation of the own product catalogue web portal for Tarragona. Finally, after detecting good practices from the web portal destinations analyzed, a proposal has been made from the aspects analyzed for the website for the Tarragona Tourist Board.
Project director:Paolo Russo, Antonio
Education area(s):Turisme
Entity:Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
TFG credits:6
Creation date in repository:2017-02-06
Work's public defense date:2014-06-04
Academic year:2013-2014
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