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The Next Step of Virtual Reality in Barcelona - TFG%3A1587

Student:Montón Beltrán, Irian
Title in original language:The Next Step of Virtual Reality in Barcelona
Title in different languages:The Next Step of Virtual Reality in Barcelona
Keywords:recreational virtual reality, project, Barcelona
Abstract:This work evaluates the possibility of creating a recreational virtual reality project in Barcelona and takes the first step in analysing its viability. First it defines virtual reality, leisure activity and recreation according to the work’s definitions. Then it explores the current generation of virtual reality and its applications, to introduce the reader to the field of recreational virtual reality. The focus of the work is the city of Barcelona. After the first parts, the work shows the current state of recreational virtual reality of Barcelona, analysing the most common types of recreational virtual reality options a customer can enjoy in the city. Then it identifies four major problems with said options. To solve these problems, a project proposal is presented. It is a concept of a virtual reality park for the city of Barcelona, offering different kinds of recreational virtual reality group experiences. After this, a supply and demand analysis is presented to generally assess the viability of the project. The supply analysis identifies the competition by developing an automated standardisation system in Microsoft Excel and by analysing real data obtained from questionnaires, followed by a descriptive analysis. The demand analysis identifies the target customer of the project by obtaining information from recreational virtual reality companies and stores by interviewing them. To conclude, it shows that the project is viable according to the findings. It is a general, approximate, first step towards determining the viability of the project but it seems a promising idea that could become a successful business venture.
Project director:Moreno Ordoñez, Maria del Carme
Education area(s):Turisme
Entity:Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
TFG credits:6
Creation date in repository:2018-05-15
Work's public defense date:2017-09-05
Academic year:2016-2017
Subject areas:Tourism and leisure
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