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Conflictivitat laboral durant el franquisme fins el començament de la democràcia (1939 - 1980) - TFG:1024

Student:Escoda Foncillas, Maria
Title in original language:Conflictivitat laboral durant el franquisme fins el començament de la democràcia (1939 - 1980)
Title in different languages:Labour conflict under Franco's regime until the beginnings of democracy (1939 - 1980).
Keywords:Conflictividad laboral, franquismo, Constitución Española
Subject:Ciències jurídiques
Abstract:This research study analizes and breaks down the labour conflicts that happened from the start of Franco's regime to the beginnings of democracy. It also studies the influence that it had on the current constitutional framework. The study focuses on two key points of research. The first one consists on discerning if labour conflicts had a rise in numbers with regards to strikes, demonstrations protests and state suppression until the transition from the regime to democracy. The last one studies the influence that labour disputes had on the Spanish Constitution of 1978 and how --on the later period-- some human rights were introduced. In order to answer these two main research points the number of strikes, demonstrations and protests through all the era have been studied. In this case a rapid increase in number is observed. Other markers such as mass layoffs, police intervention or arrests are also studied. In regards to the influence of labour disputes on the Spanish Constitution of 78 the legal framework during that period was formal and not applied. One clear example of this would be the 'Fuero de los Trabajadores'. Another relevant aspect was the adoption of certain human rights during the evolution of law from the francoist era to the start of democracy. This entailed the consideration of workers as individuals with rights as opposed to means of production. A good portion of the strikes and labour dispute on the later period had an undercurrent wish of implementing human rights in full applicability, that afterwards were adopted by the Spanish Constitution of 1978.
Project director:Carreras Casanovas, Antoni
Education area(s):Relacions Laborals i Ocupació
Entity:Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
TFG credits:9
Creation date in repository:2016-12-13
Work's public defense date:2016-06-06
Academic year:2015-2016
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