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PLANIFICACIÓ EN L’ANIMACIÓ A LES TERRES DE L’EBRE. Creació d’una empresa d’animació - TFG:1155

Student:Bertomeu Casanova, Meritxell
Title in original language:PLANIFICACIÓ EN L’ANIMACIÓ A LES TERRES DE L’EBRE. Creació d’una empresa d’animació
Title in different languages:PLANNING FOR THE ENTERTAIMENT IN TERRES DE L'EBRE. Creating an animation company
Keywords:Company, Entertaiment, Terres de l'Ebre
Subject:Turisme i oci
Abstract:The work consists of the creation of a company of tourist animation in the Terres de l’Ebre. To be able to create the company there has been done a diagnostics and investigation of the local territory where we want to implant the company. After having investigated all the tourist existing assets, tourist resources and done an analysis of market we could have confirmed that this zone is a good place to invest and to create the company of animation Fem la Festa S.L. In the second part of the work an explanation is done of how we will create the company, which will be his activity and his business plan. This company devotes itself to services of hotels and campings, in particular events since it might be communions, anniversaries, etc. The innovative part that has been created to differ from the common companies of animation is the school of animation where classes will be given to prepare professionals in the sector. This idea arises from that a component of the company has been employed at this sector and has been observed that there is great demand and few competition where the company wants to be created. The idea of doing the classes has arisen for two motives, the principal motive is because we know that we have tourism of (summer) season and to be able to have income all the year round we have to do many events in order that it works out profitable for us. To insure ourselves that we receive income monthly we have created the school. Another motive is that we want a quality animation, that we us prune difference of the rest for how we work and not since we make pay. And finally we have done a sales forecast to see which would be our financial analysis. After analyzing the costs and benefits we have verified that the company would be profitable and that his costs of creation are not very high and that benefits are obtained rapidly, to the exercise that we have realized we have put the months of major activity but during the rest of the year the benefits are not so high and in occasions we can manage to have losses. Because of it we cannot stop introducing and create new services for our clients in order that they remain satisfied after realizing a service for them since this one is our motivation and satisfaction.
Department:Gestió d'Empreses
Education area(s):Turisme
Entity:Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
TFG credits:6
Creation date in repository:2017-02-06
Work's public defense date:2014-06-04
Academic year:2013-2014
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