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Act responsible, be sustainable - TFG:1164

Student:van Ham, Donna
Title in original language:Act responsible, be sustainable
Title in different languages:Act responsible, be sustainable
Keywords:Sustainability, culture, rural
Subject:Turisme i oci
Abstract:"Act responsible, be sustainable” is a project of a last year tourism student, studying at the Universitat Rovira i Virgili, in Vila-seca. The bacherlor project consists of the creation and evoluation of a touristic project where sustainability has the main importance, specially the cultural scope of sustainability. “Act responsible, be sustainable” is a volunteering project set up in Catalonia whereby the tourists gets certain services after joining the farmer doing serveral tasks. This services vary from getting a plot for the tent, a meal or even special services for caravans, such as light and watering. In general, this project has started with a little study about what already is offered at the market, like similar projects, after searching some definitions which are suitable for my project I have started writing the project, finishing with a question: Why “act responsible, be sustainable” is better than similar existing projects. The project is mostly personal and self-made, using myself as criteria, excepting the "Sustainable tourism guidelines for rural accommodations" which are based on already existing writings. To conclude, this project is perfect for couples who want to enjoy a strong relationship with people from other cultures and seeing from the first hand those differences, or for young families who want to give an unforgettable experience to the young ones by learning them about the outdoor life.
Project director:Mogas Amorós, Joan
Education area(s):Turisme
Entity:Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
TFG credits:6
Creation date in repository:2017-02-06
Work's public defense date:2014-06-04
Academic year:2013-2014
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