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Transferència de pacients en l'àmbit urgent i emergent - TFG:1289

Student:Tortosa Alted, Ruth
Title in original language:Transferència de pacients en l'àmbit urgent i emergent
Title in different languages:Patient's handoff in urgency and emergency care
Keywords:handoff, communication, emergency care
Subject:Comunicació en medicina
Abstract:Introduction: the transfer is a dynamic process and a purely informative clinical situation of a patient, through which it passes on the responsibility of care to another professional. It is considered a high risk process, and urgency and emergency equipment are carried out many times during a single work shift, and interference is possible in the quality of patient safety and continuity of care. It is necessary that the nursing professionals who work in this area are aware of representing this process and know the conditions and recommendations for an ideal handoff. Objective: to review the existing literature on the concept of transfer, particularly in the field of urgency and emergency, to find out the most suitable communication model and the relationship that exists between a great transfer and patient safety and continuity of care. Methodology: Bibliographical search during the academic year 2016-2017, in the databases Cinahl, PubMed, i-Cercador Plus of the Universitat Rovira i Virgili and Cuiden, with a maximum age of 5 years, written in English and Spanish. Results: The most accepted communicative model for transfer to the urgent field is SBAR, translated to Spanish as SAER. The use of structured transfer models using a standardized language, clear and accurate information, in a place specifically enabled for it, with enough time to ask questions and answer them, and with the patient and his family involved, is related to the improvement of the quality of care, patient safety and continuity of care.
Project director:Martínez Segura, Estrella
Education area(s):Infermeria
Entity:Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
TFG credits:12
Creation date in repository:2017-09-27
Work's public defense date:2017-07-06
Academic year:2016-2017
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