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Triaje en emergencias y catástrofes: Rol de enfermería - TFG:1296

Student:Marco Hirs, Samira
Title in original language:Triaje en emergencias y catástrofes: Rol de enfermería
Title in different languages:Triage in emergencies and catastrophes: nursing role
Subject:Urgències mèdiques
Abstract:When a situation of multiple victims occurs, it is often necessary to mobilize additional resources to deal with the disaster. Time is a prime factor to avoid new victims and avoid the worsening of the existing ones. For this purpose, we use extrahospitalary triage as a fundamental tool in the adequate care of victims. The following work is intended to show different aspects in terms of prehospital triage, as well as the role of nursing in the whole process. After extensive bibliographic review, it was concluded that all the professionals involved in this matter constitute an essential element for the management in such incidents so that training is very important.
Project director:Martínez Segura, Estrella
Education area(s):Infermeria
Entity:Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
TFG credits:12
Creation date in repository:2017-10-04
Work's public defense date:2017-07-06
Academic year:2016-2017
Access rights:info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
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