Repositori institucional URV
Español Català English
Desitjat/ada - TFG:1321

Student:Martínez Climent, Elena; Masip Pujol, Joanna; Morera Blanco, Albert; Peco Fernández, Paula
Title in original language:Nahia. Desitjat/ada
Title in different languages:Nahia. Desired
Keywords:Assisted reproduction, Tarragona, taboo
Subject:Reproducció assistida-Catalunya-Tarragona
Abstract:Assisted reproduction has increased its activity during the last years in the Camp de Tarragona, as well as the number of private centers that carry it out. The low labor and economic stability currently suffered by the Spanish society and, above all, women, causes the delay of motherhood, the main reason why reproduction techniques are highly requested. Nowadays, public health offers a limited service that causes long waiting lists. For this reason, Tarragona’s population is derived to Barcelona, however some affected people are able to gather the money needed to fulfill as soon as possible their desire to be parents and opt for the private healthcare. Although, it is a topic that is currently booming, we ask ourselves whether assisted reproduction is a taboo subject in society. Nahia is an audiovisual report of twenty-five minutes that informs about the current situation of assisted reproduction in the Camp de Tarragona. The report uses different aspects such as the clinic, the social and the legal ones, and speaks about assisted reproduction through different subjects. In short, it gives answer to the main questions relating to that branch of medicine: what is the assisted reproduction? What are the most commonly used techniques and how much are they? Why people resort to these techniques? Why are so many assisted reproduction private centers in Camp de Tarragona? What disputes exist about the private centers? What is the current legality? And finally, the report make the spectator reflect through the main question: is the assisted reproduction a taboo topic nowadays?
Project director:Moragas Fernández, Carlota María
Department:Estudis de Comunicació
Education area(s):Periodisme
Entity:Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
Creation date in repository:2017-11-27
Work's public defense date:2017-06-21
Academic year:2016-2017
Subject areas:Information and communication sciences
Access rights:info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
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