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Welcome Plan for mobility students in Tarragona - TFG:1446

Student:Moreso Pina, Sara
Title in original language:Welcome Plan for mobility students in Tarragona
Title in different languages:Welcome Plan for mobility students in Tarragona
Keywords:Temporal tourists, URV reputation, incomes
Abstract:Welcome Plan for mobility students in Tarragona is a project that responds to the need of offering a wide range offer of facilities and services to the mobility students who arrive to a host university. In this case, the offer which has been created is for University Rovira i Virgili. The project consists of a theoretical part with tourist approximations based on different articles and a comparison between two universities, as well as a practical part, including the investigation, the creation of this new offer and its economic forecast. After the research and by 52 surveys conducted to Exchange students, strengths and weaknesses have been identified about University Rovira i Virgili’s offer, as well as Tarragona’s ones, and this lack has been compensated. This project does not only provide economic benefits, since foreign students can be understood as temporal tourists and, for this reason, they provide incomes to the host town, but also social benefits: University Rovira i Virgili increase its reputation by this new innovative offer and, moreover, it increase the tolerance and cultural awareness among the community.
Project director:Russo, Antonio
Education area(s):Turisme
Entity:Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
TFG credits:6
Creation date in repository:2018-03-08
Work's public defense date:2015-06-02
Academic year:2014-2015
Subject areas:Tourism and leisure
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