Repositori institucional URV
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EL IMPACTO DE LA ANIMACIÓN TURÍSTICA EN EL SECTOR: Investigación y claves para la mejora de la oferta actual - TFG:1472

Title in original language:EL IMPACTO DE LA ANIMACIÓN TURÍSTICA EN EL SECTOR: Investigación y claves para la mejora de la oferta actual
Title in different languages:THE IMPACT OF ANIMATION IN TOURISM SECTOR : Research and keys to improving the current offer
Keywords:animation, entertainment
Abstract:The theme selected for this project has been the tourist animation. Through an analysis of the tourist sector in the area, wanted to approach the draft to the study of the direct animation that is performed in the hotels, as a way to enrich their stay and create new experiences of customer satisfaction. I wanted to find the deficiencies that exist in this sector so as to be able to acquire greater control over the work that is carried out in this service. The main objective that I wanted to achieve with this project was based on analysis of the sector and to describe a new offer in the service of animation of hotels on the Costa Daurada. Due to the explosion of hotels and tourism, many entrepreneurs decided to invest in this area, either a hotel, a travel agency, etc., but many were not stopped to observe, what I needed the client to go well on their free time, what are their interests, how we could give an added value to your stay and differentiate the product provided the rest of the competition. It is a strategic necessity must take into account the needs of the customer by offering at every opportunity a new product and pleasant. This is why, after all the information I have received, I think it is necessary for the creation of a new range of leisure activities in the tourism sector. Therefore, there is much in what work but without doubt it is necessary because it may mean a before and after in the current model of tourism forming a paradigm shift in the way of understanding the leisure directly inside the hotel. I want to get that these resorts are not only a place to go to sleep, but much more: a perfect place in which the time fly while having fun with yours, or solo but interacting with others and knowing new people that will enrich their experiences and that will make your stay unforgettable.
Project director:Pié Dols, Laia
Department:Gestió d'Empreses
Education area(s):Turisme
Entity:Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
TFG credits:6
Creation date in repository:2018-03-16
Work's public defense date:2016-09-01
Academic year:2015-2016
Subject areas:Tourism and leisure
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