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Anàlisi de l'activitat turística al monestir de Sant Cugat i elaboració d'un paquet de propostes per a incrementar-la - TFG:1567

Student:Gallardo Prat, Josep Oriol
Title in original language:Anàlisi de l'activitat turística al monestir de Sant Cugat i elaboració d'un paquet de propostes per a incrementar-la
Title in different languages:Analysis of the tourist activity in the monastery of Sant Cugat and development of a Package of proposals
Keywords:Cultural tourism, heritage, heritage presentation
Abstract:The departure point for this investigation is the assumption that the current tourist activity in the Monastery of Sant Cugat is lower than what it could potentially be if exploited different by the managers. Therefore, the touristic reality of the attraction will be analysed: the supplied services, the visitors per year, apart of analysing the target markets: the close resident population and the tourists visiting the province of Barcelona, in order to know their main characteristics. Based on this analysis, a package of proposals will be made to enhance the attraction and to increase the visitor flow.
Project director:Queralt Basterra, Joaquim
Education area(s):Turisme
Entity:Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
TFG credits:6
Creation date in repository:2018-05-10
Work's public defense date:2017-06-06
Academic year:2016-2017
Subject areas:Tourism and leisure
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