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El turisme mèdic a la Costa Daurada. Una aproximació - TFG:1584

Student:Marzo Gutiérrez, Carlos
Title in original language:El turisme mèdic a la Costa Daurada. Una aproximació
Title in different languages:Medical torusim in Costa Daurada. One aproximation
Keywords:Medical torusim, new market, Costa Daurada
Abstract:We find ourselves at a moment where consolidated destinations are looking for new forms to deseasonalize in the territory; this is the case of la Costa Daurada. In this project an investigation has been completed in finding a new tourism segment. The medical tourism which could have the potential to deseasonalize or to capture a new tourism market something that other destinations have already made or are in process of achieving. In this case the proposed hypostasis was aimed to investigate if there already existed a medical tourism in the Costa Daurada and this derived into questions of the investigation such as if this already existed a potential and if this service could be used to deseasonlize the area. Adding to this proposal is made aimed to develop this segment in the territory. The study has been created thanks to a quantitative study through some interviews made to privileged informants from reproduction centers and the Patronat de Turisme of Reus. In this case five medical tourism expert were interviewed. Thanks to these interviews information and its analysis information was found about the potential medical tourist (origin, motivation, profile)in the territory. To create proposals a SWAT chart was created and a comparecent with other destinations with similar characteristics and which have medical tourism already developed. Finally a series of proposals and conclusions are proposed to develop medical tourism. The hypostasis and the question of investigation have been answered in the study and it can be said that medical tourism in la Costa Daurada can become a reference into finding of new tourism market. It’s a tourist segment with a large potential and a great capacity of seasonality. It can be concluded that to create this it is necessary and intervention by part of all the stakeholders (Public and Private sector) the study exposed proposals and conclusions are given.
Project director:Alarcón, Amado.
Department:Gestió d'Empreses
Education area(s):Turisme
Entity:Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
TFG credits:6
Creation date in repository:2018-05-14
Work's public defense date:2017-06-07
Academic year:2016-2017
Subject areas:Tourism and leisure
Access rights:info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
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