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Enoturisme a la Terra Alta. Diagnosi i propostes d'actuació - TFG:1666

Student:Solé González, Marc
Title in original language:Enoturisme a la Terra Alta. Diagnosi i propostes d'actuació
Title in different languages:Wine tourism in Terra Alta. Diagnosis and proposals for action
Keywords:rural development, wine tourism, Terra Alta
Abstract:Wine tourism, understood as a branch of rural tourism, becomes a key tool for the development of rural áreas, taking the advantage of endogenous resources, which are a key for the reactivation of their economy and improvement of the income of the inhabitants. The present work, which is named Enotourism in the Terra Alta. Diagnosis and proposals for action, establishes a theoretical framework of reference on the concept of wine tourism, and then, focusing on the region of Terra Alta, makes a detailed analysis of the different economic sectors that have to be involved in wine tourism, followed by a diagnosis from which they derive a follow-up of action proposals. They must be a key to improve the wine tourism activity of the region and to consolidate it, with the coordination between public and private agents. It must also serve as an engine of development with the creation of new jobs and improvement of the economic rents of all the agents involved.
Project director:Gutiérrez Palomero, Aaron
Education area(s):Geografia i Ordenació del Territori
Entity:Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
TFG credits:18
Creation date in repository:2018-11-02
Work's public defense date:2018-06-21
Academic year:2017-2018
Subject areas:Geography
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