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Estudio mediante espectroscopia molecular UV-Vis-NIR de la degradación enzimática de gomas vegetales - TFG:1753

Student:Vives Pérez, Alicia
Title in original language:Estudio mediante espectroscopia molecular UV-Vis-NIR de la degradación enzimática de gomas vegetales
Title in different languages:Estudy by UV-Vis-NIR molecular spectroscopy of the enzymatic degradation of vegetable gums
Keywords:Vegetal gum, b-galactomannans, spectroscopy
Abstract:Vegetal gums are products obtained from natural sources. They are rich in β-galactomannans, polysaccharides which reaction with an enzyme named β-mananasa become a new alternative to antibiotics to prevent Salmonellosis in animals. In this work, the enzymatic hydrolysis of three vegetable gums rich in β-galactomannans has been studied by spectroscopy ultraviolet-visible-near infrared (UV-Vis-NIR) and chemometric analysis of the spectra recorded between 400nm and 1100nm for 180min. The study was carried out using 3 vegetable gums (locus bean, AZO-galactomannan and guar) with different monosaccharide content of their structure. The reaction was studied under different acidity conditions (pH 3 and pH 5.5) and different temperatures (30oC, 40oC and 50oC) in the order to simulate the conditions of the digestive system of the chickens up to the intestine. In the region between 920nm and 990nm changes of the -OH was observed and in the region between 490nm and 685nm, for the presence of the dye of one of the study gums, changes were observed. It shows the appearance of new oligosaccharides. It was possible to confirm by analyzing the main components and by analyzing the factor, that the reaction takes place in an average of 7 different chemistry situations; which vary in time depending on the temperature and pH of the medium.
Project director:Larrechi García, Maria Soledad
Department:Química Analítica i Química Orgànica
Education area(s):Química
Entity:Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
TFG credits:12
Creation date in repository:2018-12-14
Work's public defense date:2018-01-17
Academic year:2017-2018
Subject areas:Chemistry
Access rights:info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
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