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El consumo de drogas y su impacto en el desarrollo de esquizofrenia - TFG:1836

Student:Raposo Ramos, Ángela
Title in original language:El consumo de drogas y su impacto en el desarrollo de esquizofrenia
Title in different languages:Drugs abuse and it's impact on schizophrenia development
Keywords:Schizophrenia, schizophrenia teenagers, drugs, cannabis, causes
Abstract:Objective: The objectives of this study are to analyze. The prevalence of People suffering from schizophrenia and at The same time are drugs users (cocaine, cannabis, alcohol and tobacco) and to know if there is a relationship between The development of The disease and other variables such as sex, age of start and quantity of drugs consumed. Methods: I performed a systematic review search for original studies published in spanish and english from October 2017 to January 2018, in which multidisciplinary treatment is related to drug use and the development of schizophrenia. We searched in the following databases: CINAHL and Pub Med Results: Men consume around 20% more than women. 13% of adolescents between 14’9 and 17’4 consume cannabis daily. Daily consumption can create dependency or abuse, generally around 19.6+/-3 years of average age and presents a great risk of developing a psychotic disorder around 26 years of agents. Conclusion: This study allows us to conclude drug use is a risk for mental illness. It can advance and aggravate the development of schizophrenia. Being more remarkable to suffer the first psychotic episode, people who begin to consume THC at the beginning of adolescence and create dependence.
Project director:Montesó Curto, Maria Pilar
Education area(s):Infermeria
Entity:Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
TFG credits:12
Creation date in repository:2019-01-24
Work's public defense date:2018-06-06
Academic year:2017-2018
Subject areas:Nursing
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