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Els celíacs: Un nínxol turístic emergent. Algunes claus a la Costa Daurada - TFG:1976

Student:Raventós Clavé, Anna
Title in original language:Els celíacs: Un nínxol turístic emergent. Algunes claus a la Costa Daurada
Title in different languages:The celiacs: An emerging tourist niche. Some keys on the Costa Dorada
Keywords:celiac, gluten
Abstract:The segmentation of the demand is nowadays one of the most important elements for the companies and tourist destinations at the moment of differing from his competitors, and one of the segments that has showed a strong growth in the last years is the gastronomic tourism. It is based on a physiological basic need, as the fact of eating, and turns it into a tourist product by providing added value to this experience. But the gastronomy is not accessible to the whole world, those who present an intolerance or an allergy to certain food can meet many barriers that keep them off from enjoying this activity. The example that is exposed in this work is the case of the celiac and of the people who have to follow an strict diet without gluten. The lack of offer without gluten in the restoration establishments appears as an impediment for celiac people at travelling since the act of feeding concerns both the daily life and the tourist activity, and without being exclusive of the gastronomic tourism, is a need that has to be covered irremediably. But, though on the one hand it means a barrier for celiac people, on the other hand it also supposes a great opportunity for the tourist destinations, due to the many possibilities that this niche can offer. The purpose of this End of Degree Work consists of presenting some brushstrokes on gluten free tourism, due to the fact that the volume of studies realized on this topic is limited, and most of these have a medical character. Valls, Falset and Cambrils are the towns the analysis of Costa Daurada gluten free offer was centred at, which information has been extracted from the surveys.
Project director:Muiños Villaverde,María Jesús
Education area(s):Turisme
Entity:Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
TFG credits:6
Creation date in repository:2019-03-05
Work's public defense date:2018-09-05
Academic year:2017-2018
Subject areas:Tourism and leisure
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