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Creación de un hotel de cinco estrellas a partir de un edificio histórico - TFG:1981

Student:Novillo Barba, Meritxell
Title in original language:Creación de un hotel de cinco estrellas a partir de un edificio histórico
Title in different languages:Creation of a five-star hotel from an historical building
Keywords:Hotel, Aragonese Ppyrenees, historical
Abstract:This project has emerged from many years observing the international station of Canfranc, an abandoned historical building with great economical potential. This building attracts a great quantity of tourists and visitors, and it is located in the Aragon Valley. Therefore, the following business plan pretends to renovate and revalue this historical building, since it has a great importance for the local community. Throughout the project, the strategy will be defined, together with the destined market segment, in this case, a family target, and other key factors to make our business succeed. In order to make all the decisions a SWOT and Porter analysis have been done, the environment has also been studied, including social and economical factors and the competition. To complete this project, the viability has been taken into account, which is very favourable, by estimating possible costs and benefits. From here, the price of each service that the hotel has to offer will also be determined, the required staff and other important issues inside the project.
Project director:Andreu Corbaton, Jordi
Department:Gestió d'Empreses
Education area(s):Turisme
Entity:Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
TFG credits:6
Creation date in repository:2019-03-05
Work's public defense date:2018-09-03
Academic year:2017-2018
Subject areas:Tourism and leisure
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