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Sumersión en el neuromarketing: análisis de hipótesis - TFG:2049

Student:Moreno Curulla, Marta
Title in original language:Sumersión en el neuromarketing: análisis de hipótesis
Title in different languages:Neuromarketing, marketing, market research
Keywords:Neuromarketing, marketing, market research
Abstract:The aim of this research project is to analyze several hypotheses and provide with answers concerning the field of neuromarketing. To do so, thorough interviews are carried out to five relevant experts. The scope of the current work is two-fold. Firstly, a theoretical background and context are presented. Basic concepts are introduced for ease of familiarization with the topic and to ensure a sufficient understanding. Some of these aspects are: definition and boundaries of the field, history of neuromarketing, state-of-the-art and description of market-research methodologies employed in the industry. Secondly, in the practical stage of this study, the answers of the said interviews are analyzed. This is in order to approach topics such as conservative considerations when confronting complementary techniques, whether it is worth implementing neuromarketing to factor in consumer decisions, or whether it should be advisable to limit certain stimuli. In this paper, the expertise of the interviewees is used as a reliable source to describe the marketing models at hand and, eventually, provide readers with the adequate tools to come up with their own well-informed opinion on the subject.
Project director:Barrullas Bonet, Judit
Department:Gestió d'Empreses
Education area(s):Administració i Direcció d'Empreses
Entity:Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
TFG credits:6
Creation date in repository:2019-07-19
Work's public defense date:2019-06-26
Academic year:2018-2019
Subject areas:Economic and business sciences
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