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Pla de captació de col·laboracions econòmiques per la Fundació Mossèn Frederic Bara i Cortiella - TFG:2147

Student:Pérez Solé, Andrea
Title in original language:Pla de captació de col·laboracions econòmiques per la Fundació Mossèn Frederic Bara i Cortiella
Title in different languages:A plan to attract economic collaborations for the Mossèn Frederic Bara i Cortiella Foundation
Keywords:Foundation, resources, recruitment actions
Abstract:The Mossèn Frederic Bara i Cortiella Foundation is a non-profit organization with more than 35 years of history in the city of Reus. Its social work is based on assisting and taking in children and teenagers in the 4-16 age range, who endure deficiencies in their family structure or are at risk of social exclusion, offering services of socio-educational assistance. Through the Learning-Service programme of the University Rovira i Virgili, the foundation had the opportunity to ask for help to obtain economic resources. Despite its entire development, it requires an increase in income to be able to carry out functions which are difficult to be fulfilled at the moment and are essential for a better functioning of the entity. For this reason, a proposal is presented to solve the needs of the foundation through a plan to attract economic collaborations. Therefore, its purpose relies on transmitting and enhancing communication with the public, so that they know well the objective of the organization and decide to contribute to the cause periodically or occasionally.
Project director:Pié Dols, Laia
Department:Gestió d'Empreses
Education area(s):Finances i Comptabilitat
Entity:Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
TFG credits:6
Creation date in repository:2019-10-02
Work's public defense date:2019-09-09
Academic year:2018-2019
Subject areas:Economic and business sciences
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