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Pla d'empresa per a la creació d'un hotel al Celler Coca i Fitó a la comarca del Priorat - TFG:2357

Student:Coca Capafons, Maria
Title in original language:Pla d'empresa per a la creació d'un hotel al Celler Coca i Fitó a la comarca del Priorat
Title in different languages:Business plan for the creation of a hotel at the Coca i Fitó Cellar in the Priorat region
Keywords:Hotel, wine tourism, Priorat
Abstract:Wine tourism in the Priorat region is in development. Therefore, it is a good time to create new projects beyond the visits to the cellars. The project is to create a hotel in the Coca I Fitó’s cellar, which is located in the municipality of El Masroig. The purpose of this work is to know if the project can be viable or not. The hotel will be built on a large vineyards planted and with panoramic views of the area. The hotel will consist of three types of rooms, each individually located on the property, thus creating a differentiating product. In total there will be 12 rooms, two deluxe, four superior and six standards. It will also offer services such as breakfast and wine tours in the cellar. This project needs a big initial investment, despite being a little hotel. However, it is a viable project that will recover the initial investment after 5 years and a half.
Project director:Andreu Corbatón, Jordi
Department:Gestió d'Empreses
Education area(s):Turisme
Entity:Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
TFG credits:6
Creation date in repository:2019-12-02
Work's public defense date:2019-06-06
Academic year:2018-2019
Subject areas:Tourism and leisure
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