Repositori institucional URV
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Separació per destil·lació de l'efluent de reacció d'un reformat catalític - TFG:2386

Student:Moreno García, Gerard
Title in original language:Separació per destil·lació de l'efluent de reacció d'un reformat catalític
Title in different languages:Separation for destilation of the release efluent of a catalyst reformed
Keywords:separation, destilation, catalyst reformed
Subject:Enginyeria Química
Abstract:This report examines the designs of three alternatives for the separation of catalytic reformed effluent from the REPSOL PETRÓLEO company. Previously, several configurations have been considered, and those three proposals that generate higher expectations have been chosen after doing a small study of each one, considering parameters such as the number of equipment to be used, energy expenditure, difficulty in operation, etc. In the three alternatives (distillation by direct sequence, coupled columns and double lateral extraction), the benzene recovery in Benzene Concentrate is 35% v, unlike 25% v that is currently being obtained in the site. It should be noted that the three proposals meet the company's requirements (maximum 3% and 1% v of Bz in the streams of Lightweight and Heavy Reforming respectively). Through the integration of the currents, the energy costs are considerably reduced, thus achieving more cost-effective processes, and more environmentally friendly, as it reduces the carbon footprint. The project has been reached in the period established on January 25, 2018. In the REPSOL PETROLEO installations the bases of the project were established, determining the scope, and fixing the delivery deadline for June 10 of 2018. Finally, and considering the existing prices in the market, the necessary investments for each one of the alternatives are quantified, being these of 16, 27 and 20M € for the distillation by direct sequence, coupled columns and double lateral extraction respectively. The wealth generated in the company (VAN), estimating the useful life of the investment of 18 years (not residual value at the end of the investment), and a constant interest rate over the years of 12.5% will be 185, 120 and 235 M € respectively, the double lateral extraction being the most attractive proposal due to its lower energy consumption.
Project director:Boix Rita, Baltasar
Work's codirector:Clavería, Joan
Department:Enginyeria Química
Education area(s):Enginyeria Química
Entity:Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
TFG credits:12
Creation date in repository:2019-12-10
Work's public defense date:2018-06-21
Academic year:2017-2018
Subject areas:Chemical engineering
Access rights:info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
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