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El turisme influencer i el seu impacte en la societat actual - TFG:2436

Student:Moreso Rodríguez, Raquel
Title in original language:El turisme influencer i el seu impacte en la societat actual
Title in different languages:Tourism influencer and his impact on the current society
Keywords:Marketing, Toursim, Influencer
Abstract:With the evolution of internet, social networking sites and advertising, influencer marketing has become one of the most used techniques by brands. People are looking for someone close to that can rely on their recommendations. Therefore, the brands have decided to promote themselves through the influencers. These ones are people who are known for their naturalness, spreading a close image, and that makes them have the ability of influence the consumer. Instagram has become a good channel for promoting tourist destinations thanks to their visual character. For that reason, the brands will collaborate with instagramers who have a careful profile and a lot of followers. The study will be carried out through a qualitative methodology that will be done by different interviews as a data collection instrument. Some of the most relevant search results highlight an indirect impact with regard to the election of the destinations and a direct impact on the planning of the complements of the trip. With regard to the typology of influencers who have more impact, are usually the partial ones, who deal specific topics, but not about trips. The closeness of the influencers generates some confidence with their followers and because of that they trust in their recommendations. But this confidence will be weakened when people discover the market and the collaborations that are behind it.
Project director:Sorolla, Natxo
Department:Gestió d'Empreses
Education area(s):Turisme
Entity:Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
TFG credits:6
Creation date in repository:2019-12-17
Work's public defense date:2019-06-06
Academic year:2018-2019
Subject areas:Tourism and leisure
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