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Denominació d'Origen Tarragona. Anàlisi de la imatge enoturística. - TFG:2437

Student:Navarrete Marín, Paula
Title in original language:Denominació d'Origen Tarragona. Anàlisi de la imatge enoturística.
Title in different languages:Denomination of Origin Tarragona. Wine tourism image analysis.
Keywords:Wine tourism, image, Denominació d'origen Tarragona
Abstract:The present work, entitled Denomination of origin Tarragona. Wine tourism image analysis. Consists of a previous state of the matter on wine tourism and image concepts and their components. The conceptualization of these two elements is taken as reference for the subsequent realization of the analysis of the wine tourism image in a denomination of origin characterized by the romanity, the Mediterranean atmosphere and the great variety of territory where it is located. The main object of analysis are the wineries that offer wine tourism in the DO and the consonance between The DO and the cellars in relation to the transmission of the message. With all the analysis and the results obtained, a SWOT diagnosis and a set of action proposals are made, focused on a future improvement in the positioning of DO Tarragona within the tourism sector.
Project director:Salvat Salvat, Jaume
Education area(s):Turisme
Entity:Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
TFG credits:6
Creation date in repository:2019-12-17
Work's public defense date:2019-06-03
Academic year:2018-2019
Subject areas:Tourism and leisure
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