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Estudi d'un grup heterogeni d'infermeres sobre el coneixement i les creences del suïcidi - TFG:2484

Student:Baiges del Campo, Clàudia
Title in original language:Estudi d'un grup heterogeni d'infermeres sobre el coneixement i les creences del suïcidi
Title in different languages:Study of an heterogeneous group of nurses about the knowledge and beliefs of suicide
Keywords:Suicide, knowledge, nursing
Abstract:The World Health Organization has determined that suicide has now become a major crisis in society, and warns about a substantial global increase of deaths due to suicide, with nearly 800.000 people committing suicide every year. The main objective of the study is to acknowledge the lack of awareness regarding suicide in the sanitary field, and determine the knowledge and perceptions that nurses have about suicide. The method used to gather the data, is varied. A quantitative part, with a sample of 60 ‘primary attention’, hospital and emergency room nurses, asked to fill out a searching questionnaire of 10 valuable questions. And a qualitative part, with a sample of 3 nurses, one of each service, that have expressed their beliefs and perceptions regarding suicide through semi-structured interviews, where the empiric material has been transcribed, organized and analyzed. The study has shown through the statistic tool “t de Student” that there is not enough knowledge within the sample and through “Txi-quadrat” it has been discovered that there isn’t a significant difference between the results of the cross study of the groups. On the other hand, a total of 6 thematic categories have been extracted: knowledge, stigma, prevention, Clinical Shared History of Catalonia and autonomy of the patient, cases and own experiences and myths and wrong perceptions. From the quantitative and qualitative results, it has been possible to conclude that none of the groups reached the established, acceptable level of knowledge (80%), there is no difference between the degree of knowledge of the studied units, and a lack of knowledge and the stigma in the qualitative level identified. Therefore, the initial hypothesis is accepted, concluding that there is indeed, a lack of knowledge regarding suicide in the sanitary field.
Project director:Ortega Sanz, Laura
Education area(s):Infermeria
Entity:Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
TFG credits:12
Creation date in repository:2020-02-11
Work's public defense date:2019-06-04
Academic year:2018-2019
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