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Els estudis de turisme a les universitats de Catalunya - TFG:2529

Student:Barrio Mansilla, Rosana
Title in original language:Els estudis de turisme a les universitats de Catalunya
Title in different languages:Tourism studies at the universities of Catalonia
Keywords:tourism studies, university
Abstract:Tourism studies at the universities of Catalonia is a Bachelor’s Degree final project, in Catalan language, in which it has been wanted to realize a state of play on the Catalan university situation of the different degrees in tourism, at the same time it aims to be a guide for students who want to take a university degree in this field, but stills do not know what or where to study it. The work is structured in twelve sections, the first of which is the introduction. Below are the different degrees that can be studied in Catalonia, as well as the mentions or specialties that can be attained. The third section analyzes the different academic calendars and schedule that impart each school. In the following points (sections 4 to 7), the Curriculum of the different analyzed schools and universities is deepened, establishing concordances and differences among them; firstly with a general overview according to the type of subject; and then focusing on the three aspects common to all: the internships, the Degree final project and the foreign languages taught. Next, the issue of prices and difference between public universities and private schools will be discussed. The ninth point offers some brushstrokes on the double degrees that can be studied. And, finally, we deal with two subjects related to university access (Places, Admission mark and possible validation for students from Advanced professional training) and how to get to the different study centers from Barcelona using public transport. The information in this work refers to the academic year 2018-2019 and has been extracted from the websites of different schools and universities, as well as official bodies and related work, such as the White Paper of the Degree in Tourism.
Project director:Nel·lo Andreu, Marta Gemma
Education area(s):Turisme
Entity:Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
TFG credits:6
Creation date in repository:2020-02-21
Work's public defense date:2019-06-07
Academic year:2018-2019
Subject areas:Tourism and leisure
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