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Determinación de cobre en tierras de viñedo ecológico de Denominación de Origen de diferentes zonas de Cataluña - TFG:2552

Student:Fernandez de Larrinoa Arriola, Lorea
Title in original language:Determinación de cobre en tierras de viñedo ecológico de Denominación de Origen de diferentes zonas de Cataluña
Title in different languages:Copper determination in soils of ecological vineyard of Designation of Origin of different areas of Catalonia
Keywords:Copper, ecological vineyard, atomic spectroscopy
Abstract:The use of phytosanitary products at viticulture has been a long time ago activity which helps to front plant diseases, but most of them are based on heavy metals, which, because of them phytotoxicity, change soil or plant parameters in consequence of contamination. Copper is one of those heavy metals and its toxicity has not been thoroughly studied, creating a great problem of soil contamination. With the commercialization of these products, the lands of Catalan vineyards have also suffered copper accumulation, not considering the problems it could cause. In addition to the morphological changes of the plant and the fertility of the soil, the existing microorganisms in these zones can also be accomplices of said contamination. A study has been carried out on the concentration of copper in soils of different Denominations of Origin of Catalonia. The permittivity of the legislation limits 50 mg/kg of copper for acid soils and 150 mg/kg for basic soils (even annual limitation is of 7 Kg/ha or 28 Kg/ha in 4 years, for every soil types) and after this study it will be possible to observe if these limitations are met or if a solution will have to be found against this terrestrial contamination.1 In the present study, apart from the determination of this heavy metal concentration, will be also determined other parameters as pH, organic matter or texture, that are important and determinative in copper activity and its accumulation.
Project director:Calull, Marta
Department:Química Analítica i Química Orgànica
Education area(s):Química
Entity:Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
TFG credits:12
Creation date in repository:2020-02-28
Work's public defense date:2019-06-12
Academic year:2018-2019
Subject areas:Chemistry
Access rights:info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
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