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Studies on the influence of ionic liquids on the synthesis of cu2(oh9po4 and tio2 catalysts - TFG:2555

Student:Gaya Tornos, David
Title in original language:Studies on the influence of ionic liquids on the synthesis of cu2(oh9po4 and tio2 catalysts
Title in different languages:Studies on the influence of ionic liquids on the synthesis of cu2(oh9po4 and tio2 catalysts
Keywords:Catalysts, tio2, cu2(oh)po4
Abstract:The growing importance of TiO2 for its interesting properties as a photocatalysts has raised a lot of efforts to overcome one of its main disadvantages: its wide bandgap limits light absorption to the UV region. Hence, photocatalytic activity is highly limited. New composite materials with good light absorbing and photocatalytic properties stand as a good choice to overcome this barrier. Cu2(OH)PO4 is a good IR-absorbing material with reportedly good photo-oxidation properties. Thus, composites of TiO2 and Cu2(OH)PO4 could become very interesting for new heterogeneous catalysis. In this research work, the separate growth of Cu2(OH)PO4 and TiO2 is studied under the influence of different ionic liquids (ILs) and other conditions, aiming to synthesize nanoparticles of both compounds. Usage of [Amim]H2PO4 seems to be a very promising route to prepare TiO2 and Cu2(OH)PO4 particles in the desired size for further application as photocatalysts. Materials were characterised using XRD, IR spectroscopy and SEM.
Project director:Fernández Gutiérrez, M. Elena
Work's codirector:Puddu, Valeria
Department:Química Física i Inorgànica
Education area(s):Química
Entity:Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
TFG credits:12
Creation date in repository:2020-03-02
Work's public defense date:2019-06-21
Academic year:2018-2019
Subject areas:Chemistry
Access rights:info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
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