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Coneixement sobre l'anticoncepció d'emergència de la població d'entre 14 i 18 anys de la ciutat de Tarragona. - TFG:2704

Student:Pirvu Pirvu, Mariana
Title in original language:Coneixement sobre l'anticoncepció d'emergència de la població d'entre 14 i 18 anys de la ciutat de Tarragona.
Title in different languages:Knowledge of emergency contraception of 14 to 18 years old population of Tarragona city.
Keywords:Emergency contraception, adolescence, school nurse.
Abstract:Background. We based our study on the lack of knowledge of emergency contraception (EC) usage characteristics, effectivity and function in this population. Aim. The main aim of this study is exploring the knowledge about this topic of students ranged from 14 to 18 years old in Tarragona. Study design: We performed a descriptive study using the survey as the methodology instrument. The sample of this study includes students from 3rd grade of Secondary School to 2nd grade of High School of Tarragona. Considering GRANMO count, a sample of 399 people would allow us to extrapolate the results obtained to our reference population. The statistical analysis was conducted using SPSS programme. Results: 652 students participated in the study, of whom 351 (54,7%) were boys and 291 (45,3%). The average age was 15 years old (30,7%; p50), and regarding the grade, 220 of the students belonged to the 4th grade of Secondary School (34,2%). The 47,5% studied at a state-subsided school and the 52,5% in a state school. The results obtained from the survey show significant differences between both groups regarding the level of their knowledge. Conclusions: There is a significant association between the average level of knowledge of emergency contraception and both genders, the four grades included and the schools’ ownership. Results obtained allow us to accept the hypothesis outlined, given that the average of correct answers of the survey respondents does not overtake the 50% (p50 = 4/8). Improving that level of knowledge of EC entails a challenge for both the social, educational and health fields. The school nurse figure is the one who has more information and capability to take care of this need on that specific field.
Project director:Acebedo Urdiales, Maria Sagrario.
Education area(s):Infermeria
Entity:Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
TFG credits:9
Creation date in repository:2020-09-30
Work's public defense date:2020-06-01
Academic year:2019-2020
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