Repositori institucional URV
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Experiencia de los pacientes ingresados en la unidad de hospitalización a domicilio del Hospital Joan XXIII de Tarragona - TFG:2708

Student:Rodríguez Soler, Sergi
Title in original language:Experiencia de los pacientes ingresados en la unidad de hospitalización a domicilio del Hospital Joan XXIII de Tarragona
Title in different languages:Admitted patients' expiences in the hospital at home unit in Hospital Joan XXIII Tarragona
Keywords:Hospitalization, home, experience
Abstract:The objective of our research is to know the experiences of patients who have been admitted to Hospital at Home (HaH). For this purpose, exploratory qualitative methodology is used and through two semi-structured interviews we will be able to delve into the passage of these patients through the unit. The results that are collected from the analysis of the interviews are the healthcare process, the professionals who attended them, and finally the evaluations of their experiences as patients. The conclusions are that HaH has evolved unevenly across national territory and it is important that this healthcare model would have a more transversal organization. Also, it is vital that Primary Care be endowed with resources and that there be more communication between the institutions of the health and social services. Finally, with regard to the experiences of patients, it is noteworthy that the fact of being admitted at home gives them more comfort and privacy by being in their most familiar environment. Furthermore, they agree that despite feeling uninformed in situations prior to joining HaH, they felt informed and safe during their admission to the unit. Also, they value in an excellent way the attention received by HaH professionals, both technically and humanely.
Project director:Font Jimenez, Isabel
Education area(s):Infermeria
Entity:Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
TFG credits:10
Creation date in repository:2020-09-30
Work's public defense date:2020-06-01
Academic year:2019-2020
Access rights:info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
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