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Voces desde la prisión. Un análisis de la salud autopercibida y la calidad de vida en las personas encarceladas - TFG:2734

Student:López Segura, Fernando
Title in original language:Voces desde la prisión. Un análisis de la salud autopercibida y la calidad de vida en las personas encarceladas
Title in different languages:Voices from prison. An analysis of self-perceived health and quality of life in incarcerated people
Keywords:Prisons, self-perceived health, global health, anxiety, self-care, institutionalization.
Abstract:Introduction: Given the low number of health studies in the penitentiary environment from the perspective of the person deprived of liberty, the objective of this research is to analyse the effects of the prison conditions on the quality of life and health of the inmates. Methodology: A qualitative and exploratory research has been carried out with a phenomenological and hermeneutic approach, through semi-structured interviews with seven people, five men and two women, recently released or in legal situation of deprivation of liberty in Catalan prisons. The interviews were ordered according to the fourteen needs of the Nursing Need model of Virginia Henderson. However, the study focuses on the analysis of an only need: ‘Avoid dangers in the environment’. Results: Prisons are perceived as a space of threat or constant psychological tension, an alternative and hostile social sphere, in which dynamics of violent relationships take place. Within the process of institutionalization and imprisonment suffered by the inmates, isolation conditions, overcrowding, regimentation and security, favour infantilization, lack of intimacy, loss of ties and external references or physical, psycho-emotional and social alterations. Given all these effects, the person develops coping strategies, self-care, profane and alternatives to expert knowledge, in which maybe included from informal meetings between people, to self-injurious behaviors of psychotropic abuse or drug consumption Conclusion: A narrative is drawn from the suffering of the circumstances of confinement, which would enable to build an alternative itinerary to the hegemonic knowledge about health in this context, an epistemology, which would be sympathetic to the variety of discourses. Collected this narration about the deterioration of the health perceived in the population study, it would remain pending to wonderif the rehabilitative and therapeutic principle of prison really is.
Project director:Correa Urquiza, Martín
Education area(s):Infermeria
Entity:Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
TFG credits:9
Creation date in repository:2020-10-01
Work's public defense date:2020-06-01
Academic year:2019-2020
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