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Factors determinants de creixement en un Estat fràgil: el cas del Congo - TFG:2757

Student:Bertomeu Marin, Laia
Title in original language:Factors determinants de creixement en un Estat fràgil: el cas del Congo
Title in different languages:Determinants of growth in a fragile state: the case of the Congo
Keywords:Natural resources; conflict; institutions
Subject:Estat fràgil
Abstract:This paper aims to find out what has determined the current situation of poverty in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. I have found the answer to this question after studying the different factors that have influenced the fragility of the country in question. I have concluded that a combination of historical, political and geographical circumstances is what has led the DRC to become one of the poorest and most conflictive countries in the world. The theoretical part also delves into the coltan conflict, which has been present in the east of the country for more than two decades. In the practical part, an analysis has been made using ordinary least squares (OLS) econometric models, in which it is shown that the curse on the natural resources exists and happens when the institutional quality is low.
Project director:Martínez Ibáñez, Oscar
Education area(s):Economia
Entity:Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
TFG credits:6
Creation date in repository:2020-11-09
Work's public defense date:2020
Academic year:2019-2020
Subject areas:Economic and business sciences
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