Repositori institucional URV
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Las intervenciones enfermeras frente al bullying en el entorno escolar - TFG:2778

Student:Torres Agudo, Nerea
Title in original language:Las intervenciones enfermeras frente al bullying en el entorno escolar
Title in different languages:Nursing interventions in the face of bullying in the school environment
Keywords:Bullying, Cyberbullying, nurses
Abstract:ABSTRACTIntroduction:Bullyinghasbecomeadisturbingissueinoursociety,mainlyintheschool environment. It is an issue that has been normalized over time in schools, creating a space of insecurity and fear towards the student population, causing disorders andself-destructions. In addition, within bullying, another formof abuse appears, dominated by the misuse of the social media, called cyberbullying.Methodology: A systematic review of articles in English, Portuguese and Spanish published in the database PubMed, CINAHL, Scielo and Science Direct was carried out using a flowchart for the selection of articles.Results:Ofthe428articlesidentifiedinthedatabase,only13wereselectedinourstudy for meeting the inclusion and exclusion standards introduced. Thirteen interventions were evaluated based on: activities focused on promoting social skills towards students and educational sessions with didactic material for teachers and families; each one has a different methodology, samples, duration and measuring instruments. These 13 interventions have shown efficacy, but several of them have been evaluated in a short term.Conclusion: The interventions that have been used for this study, have been effective especially in the child and teacher’s population, but less in the family one. The founded instruments show a high reliability and efficiency. Despite of these findings, is fundamentaltocontinuepromotingtheseinterventions,evaluatetheresultsfoundedand divulge future investigations for the lack of information in the healthfield.Keywords: Bullying; Cyberbullying; school nursing; role of nurse; school
Project director:Almazor Sirvent, Adrià
Education area(s):Infermeria
Entity:Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
Creation date in repository:2020-11-13
Work's public defense date:2020-06-01
Academic year:2019-2020
Subject areas:Nursing
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