Repositori institucional URV
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Influencers a Instagram: la seva influència en la moda juvenil - TFG:2810

Student:Baquero Amores, Jennifer
Title in original language:Influencers a Instagram: la seva influència en la moda juvenil
Title in different languages:Influencers on Instagram: their influence on youth fashion
Keywords:Influencers; Instagram; Fashion
Subject:Xarxes socials
Abstract:This research project aims to study how influencer marketing on Instagram works in the fashion sector. One of the tools used to carry out digital marketing strategies are social networks. These allow users to connect with different brands directly or indirectly. Instagram is one of the social networks where brands collaborate with influencers, and therefore this platform will be studied in depth. An interview has been conducted to understand the perspective of an influencer, and a survey to understand the population’s opinion regarding influencers and fashion.
Project director:Gené Albesa, Jaume
Department:Gestió d'Empreses
Education area(s):Administració i Direcció d'Empreses
Entity:Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
Creation date in repository:2020-11-17
Work's public defense date:2020-07-06
Academic year:2019-2020
Subject areas:Economic and business sciences
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