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Creació d'un nou producte turístic de recreació històrica al municipi d'Altafulla - TFG:2834

Student:Barba Obregón, Mª Núria
Title in original language:Creació d'un nou producte turístic de recreació històrica al municipi d'Altafulla
Title in different languages:Creation of a new tourist product of historical recreation in the town of Altafulla
Abstract:The province of Tarragona, the ancient Hispania Tarraconensis, is a consolidated tourist destination in archaeology due to the richness of its archaeological resources. This paper sets out the suitability of creating a new tourist resource in the Tarragona municipality of Altafulla, which consists of developing an archaeological knowledge centre through the construction of a Roman villa for historical recreation, and turn it into an international reference point for cities with Roman Villa heritage. It will serve to increase the cultural tourism offer in the territory by incentivising archaeological tourism. The proposal of this new tourist resource is to emphasize the Roman historical heritage in a more didactic and attractive way for the visitor. It is an innovative project without precedent in the Costa Daurada, with dynamic 4D stage productions, with academic rigour, which will help sustainable development in the destination with a competitive advantage, since it is not presented in any other historical recreation space known until now. The aim of this work is to present it to the government team, to demonstrate its viability so that it can be used as a preliminary project and to carry it out in the future. According to the current urban planning, the municipality of Altafulla has an ideal space, at a short distance from the Roman Villa of the Munts, to carry out this project. The idea is to complement the two museum spaces, to join forces, to work together to promote the heritage value and not to subtract.
Project director:Azuara Garcés, David
Education area(s):Turisme
Entity:Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
TFG credits:6
Creation date in repository:2020-11-23
Work's public defense date:2020-09-09
Academic year:2019-2020
Subject areas:Tourism and leisure
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