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El ciclo de vida del destino turístico en sus fases iniciales: el caso de Moldavia - TFG:2869

Student:Siscanu, Ana
Title in original language:El ciclo de vida del destino turístico en sus fases iniciales: el caso de Moldavia
Title in different languages:The life cycle of a tourist destination in its initial phases: the case of Moldavia
Abstract:The following final degree project entitled "The life cycle of a tourist destination in its initial phases: the case of Moldavia" is a project that tries to analyze the Republic of Moldovia as a tourist destination with the aim of defining at what stage of the life cycle is found according to Richard Butler's theory, and what premises could be developed. The work includes basic aspects of the country as a tourist destination, development factors, results of four surveys in order to know the perception of residents and the position of Moldovan travel agencies towards the tourist phenomenon, the perception of the country from abroad and the tourist packages demand to this destination, a SWOT analysis and finally the conclusions, where the situation in Moldova is determined in an intermediate phase between involvement and development.
Project director:Muiños Villaverde, María Jesús
Education area(s):Turisme
Entity:Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
TFG credits:6
Creation date in repository:2020-11-25
Work's public defense date:2020-09-10
Academic year:2019-2020
Subject areas:Tourism and leisure
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